Draco's story

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After the war, I knew everything was going to be different. Of course, it would be. My whole family was treated like garbage, as was every other family who was associated with the Dark Lord. Shunned on streets or tormented and shouted at like we were monsters, which, in some peoples eyes, we were. My father was sentenced to Azkaban, along with all the other powerful death eaters, the ones who would have done and would still do anything for the Dark Lord. My mother, however, evaded being captured. A smart and clever woman who even Lord Voldemort himself couldn't see that she truly never meant to hurt anyone. I didn't realize it at the time, but she was only doing it to protect me. Unfortunately, she couldn't protect me forever. 

Everyone knew the Dark Lord was fond of me. Even with Potter's testimony, that I had no real intent to kill Dumbledore, I was sentenced to six months in Azkaban. Those six months were the hardest to endure.  Everything was cold and dark. There was no sense of hope, not even the slightest. 

There, I learned about how my father had taught me the wrong ways of being a good wizard. You should see yourselves as equal, not above everyone else. That was one of the lessons that stuck out to me. After all those years I called Hermione a mudblood or made fun of how the Weaslys didn't have very much money or anyone in that matter, it made me realize that money isn't an object. It can never buy happiness, only power. I remember how I was always mad about everyone and everything, how I just couldn't wait to get out of that school. Money caused that.

Hermione had so many friends. She was happy, with or without money. It made me realize that money was all I had. My parents never were the perfect parents.

They never paid attention to me and never did anything with me. The only time that I was of any use to them was when they needed me to become a death eater. The only reason my family joined is because my father was too afraid of what everyone else would think. He had to keep his status up, saying how "the Malfoy name must go down in history," and trust me, it did. The Dark Lord would have tracked us down and killed us. He did it to save himself, and when he pulled me into it, he put my life at risk.

At home, my mother doesn't speak about the war or anything about the past. It was hard telling her I wanted to finish my last year at Hogwarts but she finally said yes.
She mostly sits in the parlor and reads a book.

It was very hard coming back to school. Everyone had known what I had done and had completely isolated me out of their lives, Everyone but my Slytherin friends. They were in the same place as me and understood what it was like. We had each other.

So I decided to give you a little background information to show you why the characters are the way they are in the story. I hope it helps. :)
Future me here! So I have decided to update the whole book because it makes me cringe at all the imperfections there are. So I'm going to keep some of the original things but hopefully I'll make it longer and more enjoyable. :)

Green is the opposite of Red. (A Dramonie fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin