Intro: Primary

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A few years earlier.

PDV Nathaniel:

Today is back to school, I'm too happy. But this time, I will try to make friends like I didn't have because I'm a foreigner. When I entered class, I bumped into a boy taller than me, with smooth black hair and he spoke to me.

Me: Oh, excuse me, I didn't see you.

Him (looking at me timidly): It doesn't matter, I just wanted to go first.

Me: Oh. That's correct, by the way, are you new to our primary school because I've never seen you.

Him: Yes, I don't know anyone.

Me: That's correct, by the way, my name is Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Nath for intimates. And you?

Him (looking at me timidly): Marc... Marc Anciel.

Me: Nice to meet you!

Marc: Oh, hihi, do you look strange or not?

Me: Haha, in fact, I'm half Thai from my mother and half German from my father.

Marc: Cool, I'm not a foreigner, I'm totally Thai. I was born here in Bangkok.

Me: Yes, me too. Hey, do you want to become best friends or not?

Marc: Uh... Of course.

Finally, I already have a friend at school. I'm no longer alone. Long live life.

When it was time to eat, I went to serve my meal and I was going to sit down with Marc. Suddenly, I noticed that there was a young girl, a little smaller than me who was serving her food too and she had helped me pick up my juice box.

The girl: Is it yours?

Me: Uh... yes, thank you, I didn't notice.

The girl: It has nothing. By the way, are you half Thai like me?

Me: Uh.. yes. Half Thai of my mother and white of my father.

The daughter: Me too half Thai of my mother and half Australian of my mother. By the way, my name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and you?

Me: Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Nath for the intimates. Nice to meet you!

Marinette: Nice to meet you Nath, now I have to go, we'll talk about it later, bye.

Me: Bye Marinette.

OMG. This girl is so beautiful and cute, I think I fell in love. I should ask Marc for advice.

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