Chapter Thirty-Five: Echoes of a Father's Wisdom

Start from the beginning

Sahil's frustration deepened, his eyes narrowing at the complexities unfolding. "So, none of you are willing to stand together against the common enemy?" he questioned, a hint of desperation creeping into his voice.

The Rakshasa leader nodded solemnly. "It's not a matter of willingness, Sahil. Our hands are tied. But we'll continue to explore diplomatic solutions and seek assistance where we can."

Sahil, though still angered, grappled with the realization that the unity he hoped for might remain elusive in the face of their respective challenges.

Sahil's frustration boiled over, and his eyes glowed a fierce silver as he glared into the distance through the phone. "You're all just abandoning us!" he accused, his voice sharp with disappointment.

Without waiting for a response, Sahil abruptly cut the call, the silence between them hanging heavy. His gaze shifted upward, fixating on the night sky as he muttered to himself, "What am I going to tell Arvan and the others?"

The weight of the situation pressed on him, and as he stood alone in the dim light, Sahil grappled with the daunting task of conveying the disheartening news to his brother and comrades.

Sahil's muttering grew louder, frustration boiling over into a stream of curses aimed at the Rakshasa leader for abandoning their cause. "They're leaving us to face the Lupus Daemonium alone... goddamn cowards!" he spat, his silver-glowing eyes reflecting his anger.

Defeat etched across his face, Sahil turned away from the night sky and trudged towards the house. Each step weighed heavy with disappointment and resentment. As he approached, he steeled himself for the difficult task ahead-sharing the grim news with Arvan and the others, a burden he never thought he would bear.

As Sahil entered the house, the silver glow in his eyes faded, returning to their usual dark brown. He took a deep breath, attempting to conceal the turmoil within him, and changed his facial expression to a stoic mask, masking the defeat etched moments ago.

Inside, he found Luca animatedly explaining, "The dagger, it's hidden underneath the Pantheon. We need to retrieve it before the Lupus Daemonium's power grows stronger."

Sahil, still grappling with the disappointment from the call, listened in silence, his thoughts churning as he prepared to share the unsettling news that would further complicate their fight against the formidable enemy.

Lydia, concerned, interjected, "Luca, what about our Nonna and your father? We can't leave them vulnerable to the Lupus Daemonium."

Luca's gaze shifted momentarily, acknowledging Lydia's worry. "They're safe for now, but we can't ignore the threat. The dagger is the key to stopping this," he replied, determination in his voice.

Luca, sensing the need for unity within the pack, turned his attention to Lydia. "Tomorrow, we must see Nonna. She's staying with my father and the others," he explained, his voice carrying a blend of concern and determination.

Luca, sensing the need for unity within the pack, turned his attention to Lydia. "Tomorrow, we must see Nonna. She's staying with my father and the others," he explained, his voice carrying a blend of concern and determination.

Lydia nodded in agreement, recognizing the importance of family and shared strength. "We'll face the challenges together. Our pack has endured much, and we won't let anything tear us apart." The resolve in her eyes mirrored Luca's, and the group embraced the impending confrontation with a united front.

Arvan, sensing the collective resolve, stepped forward with a firm nod. "Tomorrow, we face our challenges together. For now, everyone, get some rest. We need our strength." His authoritative voice echoed through the room as he commanded the pack to prepare for the challenges that lay ahead.

The pack dispersed, each member carrying the weight of their responsibilities, yet finding solace in the unity forged within their ranks. As they moved to rest, the anticipation of the coming day hung in the air, mingling with the determination to confront the Lupus Daemonium and unearth the traitor among them.

Restless in the quiet of the night, Sahil found himself unable to sleep. The weight of the Rakshasas' decision pressed heavily on him, and he muttered to himself while resting on his bed. "I can't believe they won't stand with us. I've let down Arvan and the pack."

Unable to find solace indoors, Sahil opened his window, climbing onto the roof. His tapetum lucidum eyes gleamed in the darkness as he gazed down, a mix of frustration and self-blame flooding his thoughts. The night air offered no reprieve from the burden he carried, and Sahil grappled with the daunting task of leading his pack against the Lupus Daemonium without the support he had hoped for.

As Sahil perched on the roof, he couldn't help but wonder what his sister, Alayka, would have done in this situation. The memory of her strength and resilience lingered in his thoughts, a stark contrast to his current feelings of defeat.

Swearing under his breath, Sahil clenched his fists, the weight of responsibility settling heavily on his shoulders. The moonlight painted a desolate scene as he vowed silently, "I won't let this break us. Tomorrow, we find another way. For Alayka, for Arvan, and for our pack." The night whispered in agreement, though the challenge ahead loomed larger than ever.

In the moonlit solitude, Sahil's mind drifted back to a memory from his time in South Africa. He found himself transported to a Starbucks on Florida Road, Durban, where he sat across from his father, enjoying lattes and cappuccinos.

His father, wearing a stern expression, broke the peaceful ambiance with a surprising revelation. "In two weeks, you're going to Canada to assist Arvan," he declared, catching Sahil off guard. Sahil, sipping his coffee, looked at his father with a mix of surprise and curiosity.

"Why do I have to go?" Sahil questioned, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

His father, choosing his words carefully, explained, "Your brother needs your support, Sahil. The challenges he faces require the strength of our lineage. You're needed there."

Sahil, still processing the unexpected news, ventured further with his inquiries. "What about Alayka and Nadia? Shouldn't they come with me?" he asked, concerned about leaving his sisters behind.

His father, with a solemn expression, shook his head. "No, Sahil. They will stay here to protect Durban. Each of you has a role to play. Arvan needs your strength, and your sisters will guard our home."

The weight of responsibility settled on Sahil's shoulders as he absorbed his father's words. The memory of that conversation resurfaced on the moonlit rooftop, adding another layer to the challenges he faced in the present.

Snapping back into the present, Sahil shook off the memories of that conversation in Durban. The moonlight cast shadows on his face as he muttered to himself, "I need to channel that strength now. Our father believed in us, in our ability to protect and endure."

As he stared into the night, Sahil drew inspiration from the teachings and guidance of his father. The weight of responsibility still heavy on his shoulders, he steeled himself for the challenges ahead, determined to honor his father's trust and protect those who depended on him.

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