Chapter Six: Man Of Riddles

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As Augustus lay on the ground, impaled by the Lycan arm, the entire pack stared in shock. Their attention quickly shifted to the Lycan with black fur, resembling Arvan's. Arvan stood there, his eyes wide, and then, the Lycan transformed back into a human form, revealing himself as Sahil, Arvan's younger brother.

Arvan was speechless, his emotions a mix of shock and relief. He finally managed to ask, "Sahil, why are you here in Canada?"

Sahil's response was vague, and he hesitated before saying, "I had my reasons, brother. I couldn't let Augustus harm you. Let's just say I needed to be where family is." The pack looked at Sahil, their curiosity piqued, and a sense of mystery hung in the air as they awaited further explanation.Arvan's stoic demeanor began to crack under the weight of his brother's enigmatic response. He couldn't contain his frustration any longer and forcefully shoved Sahil against the wall, his voice laced with anger. "Stop with the secrecy, Sahil! Tell me why you're here."Sahil, however, remained resolute. He pushed Arvan off, maintaining his calm composure, and spoke with unwavering determination. "I can't explain it all here," he said firmly. "Meet me on top of the CN Tower, and bring your pack with you. There, I will reveal everything you need to know."Arvan, though still simmering with frustration, understood the gravity of the situation. He nodded and turned to his pack, relaying Sahil's message.Sahil, sensing the urgency and the need for answers, didn't waste any time. He transformed into his wolf form, a sleek black creature, and swiftly exited the abandoned factory. Arvan and his packmates followed suit, their wolf forms coming to life with an array of fur colors and sizes.

As they trailed Sahil, Lydia Bianchi was still processing the revelation that Sahil was Arvan's younger brother. She couldn't contain her surprise and curiosity, so she reached out to Arvan telepathically, the bond between their wolf forms allowing for such communication. "Arvan," she transmitted silently, "I had no idea Sahil was your brother. What's going on here? Do you know why he's back?"In their telepathic connection, Arvan responded to Lydia, "I have no idea why Sahil's here, but I intend to find out. There's something he's not telling us, and we need to uncover the truth."

Maximiliano Torres, another member of the pack, sensing the unease in the air, reached out to Arvan as well, curious about his past. Arvan shared his memories, explaining, "I grew up in Westville, South Africa, with my parents, Sahil, and my two older sisters, Alayka and Nadia. It was a peaceful upbringing until we discovered our Lycan heritage."

As they continued to follow Sahil through the night, Arvan's past and Sahil's mysterious presence weighed heavily on their minds, creating a sense of urgency to reach the CN  Tower and get the answers they sought.Arriving at the towering structure of the CN Tower, Arvan, his pack, and Sahil gathered at the top, the city lights twinkling below. Sahil took a deep breath, his dark fur rustling in the wind, and finally began to reveal the reason behind his unexpected presence.

"Arvan," Sahil started, "I'm here because our father sent me to Canada. He believes that the dangers here, such as the Order of Jupiter, Lupus Daemonium, and the vampires, have grown too powerful for you and your pack to handle alone. He wants us to join forces to protect our kind."

Arvan and his packmates listened in shock and realization as Sahil disclosed their father's request. The gravity of the situation became clear – a family reunion under extraordinary circumstances with a mission to protect Lycans and confront formidable adversaries.Arvan's shock was palpable. He questioned Sahil with a mix of awe and concern, "Our father wants us to fight these dangers together? Are Alayka and Nadia coming too?"Sahil, however, shook his head with a solemn expression. "No, Arvan, Alayka, and Nadia will remain in South Africa to protect our homeland. Father believes it's vital to have a presence here in Canada, where the threats have intensified. We're the ones he's chosen for this task."Arvan, although taken aback, understood the gravity of the situation. With his packmates by his side and his brother Sahil, they would face the escalating dangers head-on, knowing their family's legacy was now intricately tied to the protection of Lycans in this new land.Arvan couldn't shake the unease that had settled in his mind. He took a step closer to Sahil, his voice tinged with frustration."Sahil, you have to understand that we've managed these threats on our own so far. We don't need your interference." Sahil, however, remained obstinate and continued to mock his older brother with a sly grin. "Oh, Arvan, always the stoic leader, aren't you? You might think you have it all under control, but I'm not convinced."

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