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Author's POV:

Today was the family reunion at La Promenade Fluviale (The River Walk). All of the family members were gathering under the grand pavilion at the park. This was going to be one of the most expensive and elegant reunions the family has ever hosted. Although the Bourgeois family didn't host it, they spent a shitload of money on outfits for their famille.

"Larry, go try this off-white suit next and see if it fits," Mama B called out to her youngest from the fitting room, she being in front of his door.

"Maman, you already gave me so many outfits to try on," 17-year-old Larry whined, pouting like a child.

"Boy, get this outfit now!"

"Oui, maman," he quickly said, not trying to get on his mother's bad side in a public area.

He opened the door and took the costume (suit) from his mother.

I'm tired of putting on suits! I already have like 9 outfits in here!

Larry was tired of putting on suit after suit, but he knew he wouldn't see the light of day if he didn't put that suit on. It did look better than the other ones he'd tried on, but he still didn't want to put it on.

He ended up putting the suit on and it was classy. He flexed in the mirror and even took a few selfies.

"Hurry up!" His mother shouted from behind the door.

"Désolé (Sorry), I'm coming," he replied, looking at himself one last time before opening the dressing room door.

When she saw her handsome son in that beige suit, she let out a huge gasp. "Mon Dieu (My God), you look so beau (handsome)," she shrieked, taking little excited steps to her youngest and fixing him up a bit.

"Mami, s'il te plaît (please)! You're embarrassing me," Larry whispered between his teeth, looking around to see who was watching them.

"Oh hush, boy. Can I not show my emotions for my handsome son?"

"Oh, that's great, but not here," he said, making eye contact with his mom. "Plus, you're too loud."

"If the manager didn't complain, then I'm not loud, boy. You just hush up and go put your clothes on. We are getting this suit and we will go to Rayon chaussures de Louis (Louis's shoe department) to get some matching shoes.

"I'm exhausted, Mami," Larry whined, leaning his head back and slugging his feet.

"All you've done is put on suits and whine. Your brother hasn't complained one bit and he has tried on more things than you have, right Laurent," Mami asked her oldest twin son, who nodded his head.

Laurent wasn't a talker, which was irritating for the youngest. Larry was more talkative, extroverted, and obnoxious, while Lau was more calm, introverted, and non-verbal. It will be very rare if you hear him say a word (which was a long time ago).

"Of course, he wouldn't complain; he doesn't even talk," Larry exaggeratedly said, pointing to his 'mute' brother.

"Don't bash your brother because he's melancholic and quieter than you are."

"He just stands there and shakes and nods his head. He doesn't interact like a human being should," Larry exasperatingly replied, crossing his arms, and looking away from both of his relatives.

"And neither do you, boy," his mother clapped back. "Stop acting like a fool in this store before you won't be going to the reunion."

Larry huffed before speed-walking to the front of the store to await his family. He used to love it when his brother spoke, but after he had that brain injury 5 years ago, Laurent never opened his mouth. Larry didn't know getting a football thrown at your head could cause so much damage. For Larry, it was funny at first before it got really serious.

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