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I finally followed the instructions __latenight

Hope you enjoy this one❤


Larry's POV

Today is Halloween and I take this day very seriously. Even Lau knows I take this day seriously. I always loved Halloween as a kid. And I still do. We are supposed to go for a photo shoot with a modeling agency called Black Moon Inc. And I already got the perfect costume. I'm gonna be Batman. I walk into Lau's room and he's putting on his jewelry

"I'm coming, Larry. Go crank the car up, please?"

I nodded and went to the hanger rack on the wall; by the front door and retrieved the keys. I walked outside to the car and turned the ignition. Just then, he came out of the house. It was about 12:02 in the afternoon, and we had to be there around 12:30. So, we needed to hurry up. I got into the passenger seat as he got in the driver's seat. Good thing the building was 10 minutes away because we would have been late.

We got on the road and headed on our way. On the way there, I was so excited to participate in a photoshoot.

"I can't wait to see my costume!"

"I can't wait to see you in it too," he said, not taking his eyes off the road, smirking. There was a bit of sultry in his voice and I didn't even notice it. I was just so excited, I didn't know what he meant by that. We arrived at the building and I jumped out of the car. He followed behind me as we walked through the entrance. As soon as we walked in, an employee greeted us.

"Welcome, Les Twins! We're so happy that you accepted our offer! Please, right this way." She led us to a make-up room. "We will get your make-up done first, then you can put on your outfits." She left the room and two people sat us down. The woman that did my make-up; Caroline, put her hands on my shoulders and smiled.

"You're gonna look so good!"

"I know," I cheered. I could see Lau smirking from across the room. I guess he was happy for me. As she got her make-up box set up, I saw a lot of feminine make-up. I didn't pay much mind because this is what she works with. I was expecting a quick blush and toner, but I was quickly mistaken. My makeup was done in about an hour and thirty minutes. Too long for me to be dressed as Batman.

I didn't care to look in the mirror. I didn't even notice the feeling of lipstick with lip glossy on my lips, nor did I notice that my eyes felt droopy because of false eyelashes. Laurent was still getting his makeup done, so I went to change. I found the lady from earlier and she led me to my dressing room.

I walk into the dressing room and a costume was hanging up by the mirror. But my costume wasn't in here. It's a Women's Playboy Tuxedo Costume.

 It's a Women's Playboy Tuxedo Costume

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