I'll Be Your Refer

Start from the beginning

He groans, screwing his eyes shut, and quickly turns his head to the side. And when he cracks his eyes open again, this is when he finally notices two things--

--A noise out of place, and...his office room desk lamp is on.

The lamp being on isn’t that odd to him (he knows The Mad Elder has his soldiers snoop on him and his living quarters for any signs of disloyalty.)

But the noise of a quiet whisper of a trill-like giggle certainly grabs his undivided attention...

For a moment, he thinks he’s simply hearing things, but now that he’s looking in the general direction, he notices a flicker of a shadow scurrying away from the open door (like it knows he was looking.)

Greyback is on his feet in the next moment. And he is alert, but not highly so. Both because he feels no threatening presence, nor does he believe it to be anybody else other than his next charge.

(Funny, considering The Mad Elder had told him last time that this was the last time; the last straw.)

Greyback doesn’t go for his weaponry cabinet, instead, he takes a curious step closer to his office. Curious, because if this is indeed his new charge, not a single one of the other clones had ever once showed an ounce of any pleasant emotion, let alone a pauk-de playful giggle.

The fact that his new charge has been placed in his personal private chambers with him, rather than the usual routine of his charge being carelessly (sometimes irritably) tossed at his feet in the ship’s training room before being ordered to begin training immediately.

He had never been allowed to bond at all with any of them. Not even as a mentor. Let alone a friend. And Paya forbid it ever being even more.

What infuriates Greyback now is that after all this time, The Mad Elder didn’t just choose to use his genes for practical purposes (like begrudgingly admitting to Greyback while beating him to a bloody submissive pulp on occasion–and also, slightly creeping Greyback out while doing so–that Greyback has always been a “fine specimen in all aspects”)--The Mad Pauk-de is as cruel as he is mad when Greyback took in his first charge and was given a “friendly warning” not to “let” this spawnling die like Greyback “let” one of his own spawnling die...

All thoughts are suddenly blanked over in a heart-melting fog he feels now sinking down to warm his chest.

Greyback sucks in a sharp silent breath, because in that moment, somehow, he has fucking imprinted in the exact same way he had imprinted on all of the spawnlings he has ever sired. Without even yet laying eyes on the creature this sweet dia-shui [scent/musk] belongs to (and that that fills his nose, and feels like safety and homeliness in his spirit), he is being automatically pulled to it; to this shadow...

Greyback blinks out of the fog in his mind, and suddenly, he is standing in the doorway to his office, his eyes finally landing on the creature that the shadow belongs to.

(She is so small...)

Now; Earth’s Atmosphere...
“Oh, cjit...”



“...Oh, cjit...”

“He’s not gonna like this.”

“You were supposed to be watching the stream!”

“I turned for, like, two pauk-de seconds to grab my flask!”

“Well, I hope you prefer being skinned alive over being parched, because good pauk-de luck telling him...”

The solider sighs heavily in defeat (and a lot of fear) before turning around and walking over to the Boss. “Sir, the young thwei’s mask has been deactivated, it is currently offline, as of, uh, well, a-a few moments ago...Sir...”

I'll Be Yours [GreybackPredator&OFC]Where stories live. Discover now