Bathing You Clean

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She is so small the first time he ever gets to meet her.

In his time, he has seen oomans, but he had never actually seen a spawnling ooman until he’d seen her. And from the moment he spoke to her, he just knew in his warrior spirit and heart that he had to protect her.

She was a disappointment. She was meant to be The Elder’s secret weapon in his insane ploy to take over The Elder Council and form a dictatorship.

But she was...too human.

Both looking and in heart and spirit.

She hadn’t been the first clone either. But she would be the last; the last straw for The power-hungry Elder.

He had ordered the elimination of all clones, apart from one.

The only reason he kept her, Greyback knows was just to keep leverage over him, because it was never any secret that Greyback deeply cared for her.

She had a natural talent for combat and had the vicious nature to go with it, as any hish-qu-ten has ever had. But she did not enjoy the violence. She was not willing, even if she was overly efficient.

And in the end, unwillingness turned to rebellion.

And Greyback has been fighting the urge to search for her ever since...

...Until one day finally, he doesn’t have to anymore.

And it’s the most afraid (and desperate) he’s ever felt.

304 Years Later.
She is running through the spaceship she has called home for all of her life. The alarms are blaring along with the flashing lights, and in the distance all around her, she can hear heavy footfalls rushing about. She knows everyone on board is looking for her by now (everyone but one, at least), but that doesn’t scare her or make her stop, it only makes her more determined to press herself harder and faster.

She has to pause at the next corner of the corridors when she hears two soldiers whispering frantically. She presses her back to the wall just out of sight and listens to them for the moment, simply waiting for them to either leave or to see if she will be forced to retreat. She could easily take them both, but she knows it will bring unwanted attention, as well as merit even more anger from her asshole captor.

They’re panicking over not being able to find her, obviously afraid of what their boss will do to them if none of them find her before she escapes. She almost feels sorry for the brainless idiots. No wonder her skills rank highest on the ship. Not that they recognise her skill, though, either angry, jealous, disgusted by or just afraid of her. Save for two Elders, of course, she outranks them all–though, she is stronger than both far. It must be why ‘Asshole Face’ has always hated her so much. But after over a century, she can take no more; she must escape. With or without her dearest (and only) friend in the entire universe.

There’s a sudden pause before one soldier asks the other, “Can you smell that?”

Her eyes widen in horror at her error, and just as quickly, she takes a silent gulp of air, holding her breath to activate the cloaking of both her skin and her scent. She freezes just as she the two soldiers stalk around the corner to check out the scent. She looks at them both as they both look right through her before glancing around with clueless expressions. She closes her eyes in relief when they huff and finally move on. And when they are out of sight, she finally releases her breath to take in another.

Immediately, she turns on her heel and takes off running again. She manages to make it all the way to the loading bay. She’s punching in the buttons to power up one of the pods when she’s suddenly grabbed at the neck from behind. She’s hauled back and tossed against another pod, smashing it to pieces with her unbreakable body. She huffs, grits her teeth as she pushes herself up and turns to face the soldier who has found her.

I'll Be Yours [GreybackPredator&OFC]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin