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Wedding bells are ringing for me. I am so happy that I am getting married to the one that I really love and the one that I initially loved. And most especially, I am glad that after so much trouble and trials that I was able to fulfill the promise I made to my dad. Now it's time for the exchange of rings and the priest is talking ____
" If now you have no objection, then forever hold your peace. Now to the both of you" he said as they handed over the microphone to Gary and I and asked us_____
" Do you promise to be by each other in riches and poverty?"he asked us.
" Yes we promise " we chorused it as though we had rehearsed it
" Do you promise to be by each other in joy and in sorrow ?" He asked
" Yes we promise " we said as he continued asking us all the questions that he could ask us. We then went forward to observing other formalities and making our vows. We then exchanged the rings and he made his last proclamation ____
" Now I hereby proclaim both of you man and wife" the crowd went wild and everyone stood up and started clapping immediately they made this proclamation. I saw my mother from afar and she was happily crying but I also wished that dad was there to witness me getting married and to see me here today. I remember 21years ago before he passed away that I was happy on that day, I got an "A" and he took me to "Victoria Center" to buy me as much things as I wanted to get but I saw a wedding gown...

21 years back...

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"Dad,dad" I called out.
" Yes dear" he came to me.
" Look at this white gown "as I pointed to an immaculate white wedding gown unknown to me.
" Wow! It's beautiful. Do you want one of that?" He asked me
" Yes Dad. Can I get one? Please, please, please, pretty please" I asked but all he did was laugh.
" No,no,not now dear" he said
"Aw! but why?" I asked him feeling sad
" My dear, this is a wedding gown. You only wear it when you are about getting married "he explained with facts ___
" Oh! But will I wear it one day dad?" I asked
" Yes dear, you will. I will buy you the most beautiful gown that no one has ever worn and I will escort you to the altar on that day " he assured me as I hugged him and we went on to shop that day...


I really miss all those moments that I and my dad shared with each other. I wish he was here to celebrate this wedding with me. He dreamt of being the one to walk me down the aisle and his dreams couldn't be fulfilled. I really hope he can forgive me and everything could be nice and okay again . I then started crying both tears of joy and that of sorrows but I had to be happy. For mum's sake. I went down the stairs to my mom and hugged her and told her this_____
" Mum, I love you so much, my happiness lies in your happiness so when you are happy, then I am happy as well. So mum, just please be happy okay" as we both cried on each other's shoulders and consoled each other by patting each other's back.
" Don't worry child, I will always see you every weekend my child" she said as I walked with her hand-in-hand towards the door and I tossed my bouquet of flowers into the air and you could see girls rushing to pick the bouquet while I and my husband left and were on our way to the reception hall...


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We stepped down the car- I and Gary and we saw a grand way of welcoming us to the hall. A red carpet with flowers spread on it and red rails around it. It was so nice and I really loved it. I and Gary walked through the red carpet into the hall and straight to the seat kept specially for us while the other guests took their seats and some went to the buffet stand and collected the food. While all of this was going on, I and Gary were called to cut the cake so we cut the cake with my hand on Gary's hand. Now I can say that I am no longer Alvirah Diallo- Montes but in fact, I am Mrs. Alvirah Gary-Darius. We then cut a slice of this beautiful cake. Purple in colour with red roses stationed around it and of course, it was a three- layered cake.
   After some minutes of this joyous occasion, the both of us were called on stage to take our couples dance- THE WALTZ. We danced round and round the center of the hall with all the lights off and the spotlight shining on us. After the whole event was over, I was so tired that I decided to go home in my cruising limozine and rest...

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