Asta, (Y/N), & Yuno

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((Note: This will be typed the same way as my Assassin Hero book. A mix of Third Person and First Person. Let's do this!!))

3rd POV

A few babies were crying at a village out in the Boonies: Hage. A middle-aged man with short, gray hair and a goatee came out to see the three babies in front of the church's doorstep. The Father's name was Orsi Orfai. He wears a long, black robe with a wide, white band at the hem and cuffs. He also wears a high-collared, white mantle and a gold necklace with a cross.

Orsi: Here we go again.

Orsi brought the three babies in as he ignited the fireplace with his fire magic. He is holding one of the babies in his arms.

Orsi: There, there... There you are.

Orsi then puts one of the boys back as he then stretches his back.

Orsi: Those three finally calmed down.

Orsi is looking at the three boys. One has ash blonde hair, one has (H/C), & the other has black hair.

Orsi: Are they brothers

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Orsi: Are they brothers... or perhaps twins? No, they're not. This one is rather calm, this one feels a bit more relaxed, but this one...seems like he has a lot of spunk. First of all, they don't look a thing alike.

Orsi then moved the cover a bit on the baby with black hair. The baby's name is on his shirt.

Orsi: Hm? "Yuno"...

Orsi looked at the necklace.

Orsi: Let's see. The middle one is...

Orsi then moved the cover a bit on the baby with (H/C).

Orsi: "(Y/N)"... & the spunky one over here is--

Orsi then got kicked by the spunky boy.

Orsi: Hey! You're a bit too spunky...

Orsi got up from the kick as he saw the name of the ash-blonde baby.

Orsi: "Asta," eh? Right! You three don't need to worry about a thing anymore. Starting today, this is your new home... Asta, (Y/N), Yuno.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Osri Orfai


It has been 15 years since Asta, Yuno, & I were adopted into the church. The spring season is always the nice one since the wind is nice, the ground is great for harvesting, & I am reading a good book about magic. I don't know why, but I want to know more about the world & magic itself. An interesting-looking Butterfly was flying around. I looked at it & smiled.

 I looked at it & smiled

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