I blinked, and looked over to find Blaine, who had his eyes stuck to the projector screen, occasionally looking down to jot down notes. What a busy little bee. He was probably the only one listening to the teacher right now.

..? I got a text from Leon.


Leon: Luka

Luka: hello


Leon: ?? Are you ok?

Luka: what?

Leon: who the hell says hello like that through TEXT

Leon: whatever

Leon: back to the main point

Leon: come down to the base after your classes end. we need you here.

Luka: i can go right now

Leon: no. stay in school. you won't graduate if you're skipping classes.

Leon: troublesome kid.

Luka: I don't need to..? only here to accompany Blaine.

Leon: that's a lie

Leon: stay in school

Leon: see you later


What the hell? I got up from my seat, packed my things, and left the class without so much an explanation to the teacher. I guess the headmaster had told him about our arrangements already, and I guess he knew I wouldn't learn anything from his teaching anyways.

Since nearly half the class was sleeping, not many people took note of my disappearance, except for Blaine.

Blaine: ?

Blaine: Why are you leaving class early?

Luka: got some stuff to do, not sure when I'll be done

Blaine: Then I'll go with the twins for lunch?

Luka: yup, don't wait up.

Luka: i'll let you know if I can't pick you up

Blaine: Okay.


When I got down to the building and informed Leon, I got the lecture of a lifetime. He wasn't even that much older than me, with the three-year gap.

"...can't believe you never listen. I'll remember to factor in your class timetabling anytime I need to call you down after this." He snapped, while still leading me to our meeting room.

"So, what did you call me down for?"

"Just... some follow-up. You remember the guy we found in the basements?"

"The one with white hair, yes. Did you get the stuff I asked you for?"

I had provided a sample of Blaine's hair to check the man's identity. White hair was relatively rare, so we couldn't rule out any possibilities.

The man could just be old, but his hair held the same sheen of pale white that couldn't be found in the greyish white hairs of the elderly. Better safe than sorry.

"DNA test came back inconclusive. Apparently we need the biological mother's DNA too."

"Hmm." Blaine's mother was in jail. She definitely wasn't having a fun time. For a child abuser to be surrounded by volatile females craving for time with their own children, it was pretty obvious what would happen. I could probably get someone to tear off some of her hair to submit again for DNA testing.

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