You and me

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When I think tonight of my day,
And I dream my thoughts before the mourn,
I'll add a memory or two to my reservoir of all we had to say.

The feel of the grass beneath my toes,
As the spring sky shines bright.
The color of roses enters into light
As the aroma barely reaches my nose

You take a leap and flip through the air
Before you slice the clear, blue ripples.
The world is split into millions of darker, lovelier drops
As you shake them from the hair.

The wind whips the curls that have escaped your old ball call into vision
As we drive hand in hand
Down an unfamiliar road.

The heart of some mysterious, unknown being beats ever faster inside me
My ear counts the rhythms
as I lie on your chest.

Our fingers are caught up in a dance known only to us
They dance to the rhythm of our breathing.
The movie flashes in front of us
Do you see it? Or did I catch you looking at me?

Your laugh breaks the silence
While your eyes catch a twinkle
Not quite describable by my limited vocabulary.

They take me to the San Sebastián
Where I'm having a coke with you.
But this is just a figment of my imagination
Because, of course, you only wear light blue.

They say silence is a sorrowful companion,
And people lock their doors against it
Once being rid of it beckon it to never call again
But this silence brings with it a happy heart.

It is greeted as a handsome stranger
And sent off like the oldest and dearest of friends.

For this is certain; you're all that's in my eye
As we revel in the afternoon sunshine
Old jack makes his way towards you and me-
Oh! How perfect those words seem together!

You and me!-

And all the while the minutes are ticking by
Time spent here seems to go at a faster pace.
They turn from hours to days and I fear some one is trying to make me lose my mind.

And the weekends are never enough
For me to truly get my fill of you
And each day brings with it the tough realization
I am falling in love with you.

But once those words are said, they are said forever.
So I bite my tongue, and bury my face
And pray that you don't have to pull away.
I know you must leave but how I wish you could stay!

Because right here, here is my favorite place.

I catch my breath
Caught in this whirlwind
But all along I m ew
I knew this would be the end.

I knew this would be the end of the old me,
No one knows me the way you do,
Because you are the reason I grew
And this is who I wish to be

-one part of the two parts of you and me-

But when silence becomes the constant
And seeing becomes the distant
We drift as a rose on the dark blue sea,
Never again to be retrieved.

And this has turned from love found
To love lost once again.
Another story of being forgotten ,
Of giving all to no avenge.

Revenge powers my motives
Desire powers my revenge
Desire to make you see, see exactly what we could be,
Turned to desire what we could have been-you and me.

And those words still get to me,
It's like a sad sad song
That will be sung for entirely too long
And will not just let me be!

All it took was one time seeing old blue
For me to realize I'm not over you
I'm not doing as well as I thought
I'm not doing as well as I pleased.

So I'll keep my days long and my nights short.
I realize that it's become easier to lie
To everyone.
Including you.

I fight back the sorrow I hold back the tears.
Because God forbid, you should ever see me slip, you should ever see me shatter.
I'm a people pleaser it's what I do,
But just once I aimed to please me too.

I can do this I know.
But on my own?
But alone is where you left me so alone is where I'll stay.
I'll find somehow to make my own way!

I can be strong.
I can be tough all on my own.
I will not break I will not shatter
And I will not fall.

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