After the show

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After the show me and carmie were in our room laying down when my phone rang it was Dylan. "Hey evie, are u and carmie busy" Dylan asks. Evie replies with "No why" Dylan grins and says "are u guys able to go out to grab milkshakes". Carmie and evie run down the stairs, Mom Dad can we go out to get milkshakes to celebrate our performance. It was already 8pm so dad said be back by 10. We grinned and ran upstairs to get ready. Carmie what should I wear, evie shows two outfits one with a green plaid skirt with a white sweater or  a blue dress with built-in shorts. Carmie laughs and says "obviously 1, it suits your eyes. What about me?" Carmie shows 2 outfits one  blue plaid skirt with a black sweater the other a pair of jeans and a white sweater, Evie chose the first one cause it matched with the shirt she wore on their 13th birthday. We hugged our parents goodbye and went out when we saw Dylan, he looked at us and blushed "o-oh umm wow umm y-you t-two look spectacular" carmie and I smiled and said  "you too" we ordered a large choco vanilla milkshake  with little mint chips on top. It tasted magical. Dylan kept commenting on me and carmies performance while we play argued that his performance was better than both of ours. We were all in same age group 13. We walk out to the park and took some  photos. Carmie and I saw it was 9:40 and we suggested we go home, Dylan offered to walk us home. We walked up to our house and gave Dylan a kiss on opposite sides of his cheek Dylan was a blushy mess. "Bye Dylan" we chuckled. We walked in to our dad standing Cross armed, "did u guys just kiss a boy" he said. Me and carmie looked at eachother and he said that we were grounded we looked at our mom and said "mom come on it wasn't even on the lips pleasee" our mom looked at us and then at our dad and said it was fine.

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