plot line

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It all started when me and my younger twin sister Carmie were left outside of a fire station and were in an out of foster care until we found our forever home. This current day Carmie and I were just about to get up from having a nightmare when we realised we were floating, as soon as we realised we stopped floating and crashed towards our beds and we could hear our dog Rainey, our mom called us to get up and we went down to eat breakfast. *Scene cuts to one cute looking Dylan capturing a blended* Me and Carmie  were walking with our best friend Kev, Carmie and I were fan girling at the fact that we had powers, we talked to Kev about how while we were dreaming we heard the words Vampling in our dreams. When we walking into class we ran into our rivals Leanna and sienna they continued to brag about how they would be the ones getting the lead roll in the class play audition.🙄
Me and Carmie got onto the stage and started dancing, Carmie and I slightly tripped Leanna and sienna over while the lines behind were being eliminated. Carmie and I gave it our all and tried to crush the competition but by accident we pushed Leanna, sienna and their group of mean girls into some stage props behind us. We got sent to the principals office even if it wasn't entirely our fault. The secretary told us that we probably wouldn't be treated lightly. Kev comes running in trying to help us but the secretary stops him. A girl with black curly hair comes out, Carmie and I start speaking about nature vs nurture in completely sync. The girl turns around and says when u  guys said "unnatural, did u mean supernatural?" Carmie and I explain how things pop into our brains and immediately go out of our mouths and how we both think its a gift. The girl says her names Madison and says happy birthday. The principal calls us in to speak to her. She explains that us two sets of twins can't get along, she said that the other set of twins where trained while me and Carmie weren't, we tried to convince her to let us be the lead roles. We walked home with Kev, he said that he's heard the term Vampling before. He brought us into his comic store that he works in, some kid tries to steal a copy and he gets banned from the store. We scroll through comics and Kev comes up with the idea that me and Carmie are blendeds which are the offspring of mythics which are monsters such as vampires warlocks and werewolves.  That's when we find out that me and Carmie have super speed and that we are the offspring's of a vampire which are called vamplings. Kev says that one of our birth parents could be a vampire, me and Carmie laugh it off.* everything goes on just like it did in the show but this time there's 2 vamplings Evie and Carmie (Carmie short for Carmela, Evie short for Evelyn)

I woke up a vampire ||twins||Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora