The club!

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Hey guys this is my first book I am hopefully gonna finish!// so don't hate hope u enjoy!

(Btw I'm on my way to the club in the car with my friend Rosie)

My best friend and I are going to this club called the indigo(I made it up) since we wanted to have some fun and I mean why not go to a club?!

When we get there I thank the driver and get out, The driver drives away I can hear the blasting music.
We then walk in the lights were flashing different colours I look around when I get stoped by gorgeous blue ocean eyes he then starts walking up to me and smiles saying
"Hey I'm Liam I saw you over there wanna get a drink?."
"Erm sure I'm Lily!"
Rosie has already left to dance with someone else we head to the bar and order shots and have a conversation the next hour or 2 goes by and I'm drunk so is he he asks me to go to his house and I said yes..

(At his house)

As soon as we get in the door he kisses me and I kiss back this leads to the bedroom
I get thrown on the bed then the next the I know our clothes are off and we're doing the .......


I wake up with a major headache I slowly open my eyes and groan but when I feel something holding me down i quickly push myself out of this heavy weight and look next to me this handsome man he has hazel hair a 6 pack abbs and very muscular and tanned dream boy right?

I get out of bed and I run to this door and twist the door handle and find its a bathroom I run in and quickly look in the mirror I realise I have t got my clothes there still in the room I quickly run back into the room and freezes when I see he's up and all I can remember is his name Liam.

I stop checking him out and grab my clothes about to go to the bathroom then he sees me
L- "Once you get changed get out."
He says calmly


He shouts
I run in the bathroom get changed and walk back out but he's not there I get my phone and walk out the door I try to find my way around here but it's hard i find one set of stairs and walk down I accidentally walk in on a meeting

I stutter ".I-i um sorry but where's the

Liam shouts
I walk out and walk around some more then finally find it I run to my car and get in and cry and cry all the way home

Hope you lot like it don't mind the spelling mistakes will be updating soon!

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