"I was only with him for a year or so," I breathed.

"You need some help." A man appeared near the end of the alley. My soaked clothes made me shiver as the breeze went by.

"No," I said.

"I'm here to help you, Lena."

"How do you know my name? Who are you?" I asked. I gripped the shard of glass in my hand. The edges sliced into my hand, but I wouldn't let go. No one was going to take me ever again.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He held up his hands. It was an asian man with a mohawk. He knelt down slowly. "I'm here to help you find your mom."

"My mom," I whispered. My heart was racing. I didn't know where they lived anymore. I had forgotten. "Clary."

"Yes, yes," He said. "I'm a warlock." He waved his hand opening a portal beside him. "I'm here to help you my little bean."

"Bean?" I questioned. "How can I trust you? I won't go back there. I won't."

"I'm not bringing you back to your father. I'm bringing you with me. I'm going to get you help," He reached his hand forward. I kept the glass in my hand as I moved toward him. "Drop the glass, Lilly."

"My name is Ly—Lena." I corrected myself. He gave me a soft smile.

"To me, you're Bean, is it alright if I call you that?" He asked.

"They call me whatever they want. My name is irrelevant," I looked at the blood-covered glass in my small hand.

"I'm sorry little one. My name is Magnus Bane and I promise to take care of you. No one will hurt you ever again," Magnus offered his hand. "You have my word." 

I let the glass fall as I reached with my other hand taking his as we walked through the portal. I stepped back cautiously as I looked around. 

"This is where you will be staying. It's my apartment. Warlocks go in and out, so don't be afraid of them. No one will hurt you within these walls. You're safe."

"He will find me. He will kill you," I held my bleeding hand.

"Valentine won't get to me," Magnus shook his head. "He won't get to you here."

"Yes, but you're still his family Lena," Lilith nodded. I blinked trying to keep myself from switching back and forth. "You're anew."


"You are reborn," She reached forward her hand touching my face as she grimaced slightly. "Your skin burns me. Nothing burns me."


Jonny's voice was quiet. Neither of us wanted to wake him up. It was late at night and he was calm today.


My back was on the cold floor as we stared at the ceiling. We didn't get pillows tonight. We were supposed to learn adaptability.

"Do you ever think of your future?"

"Sometimes," I said. "What are you thinking about the future for?"

"Do you think we'll have one?" Jonny asked. I looked over and saw him staring at the ceiling.

"I hope so, but I don't want Father in it," I whispered. The words were barely audible. I was afraid he might hear and come down the stairs.

"I hope so too," Jonny breathed. We were silent for a while until my eyes started to get heavy. "Do you think we will still be with each other?"

"I'm not sure."

"Sissy?" Jonny muttered. He made it into a question. "Do you think I'm a good person?" 

Til The Bitter End | Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now