Chapter 1 - The Kennels of Karn

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A seemingly muffled shriek thundered through the hall as Vorden turned the corner. Cyris Gerstein was in one of the largest kennels, working a short precise blade, slicing pristine cuts near the neck of an immense beast. It was lying on its back, its four legs chained to instruments along the ceiling. It's large neck was likewise pinned down with another huge chain which ran through two giant holes in the floor, and a tightening wheel was on the far side of the wall. A blue tight band was in place around the beasts mouth and a blind fold was in place over its eyes.

Cyris was the Royal Runikar, the lead researcher in charge of experimentation and developed many innovative dreg extraction techniques. His methods were... questionable, but his results were beyond measure.

Vorden wore a tight fitted black and red uniform. On his collar was an insignia, identifying him as The Kaizer. The Insignia consisted of five crossed swords overlayed by a binding fist, each glowing faintly with small cut dregs. Each facet of his armor was fit with them connected with silver shimmering lines across his clothes. Each button or strap was carefully glyphed with runes. They each linked to an arm guard across each wrist, which was sleeved to dampen the glow. He walked with more wealth and power than kingdoms of the past could have wished for. His black sleek hair was cut short across the back and grew to pointed bangs that bordered the sides of his bold, hard face. His height was formidable and stood higher than most and he held his strong broad shoulders back and walked with an air of authority, commanding attention.

"Ahh... Sire, always a pleasure to be graced with your presence!" Cyris said, in his rather rushed shrill high pitched voice. He ripped his blade from the beast as it let out a muffled moan. Purple blood dripped from the wound and from his sleek elbow length gloves as he crossed his hands against his purple blood soaked apron. He was a spindly man, hunch backed, he had short wiry arms and legs and had a head full of disheveled white hair with a head framed with silver gleaming spectacles across a bulbous nose.

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Vorden walked around the beast, taking in the scene. "A little big for a colossus isn't it?" he asked. A Colossus was the name for a mid-sized elemental. The sizes progressed from creep or more commonly called cratch, which were the smallest broods, and was proceeded by sentinels, colossus, and then leviathans. There were more rare beasts, but these were the most common.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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