"Never — in all my time at Hogwarts —"

Professor McGonagall was almost speechless with shock, and her glasses flashed furiously, "— how dare you — might have broken your neck —", in her distraught tone. Even he had to admit he'd never seen a more worried look on her face.

"It wasn't his fault, Professor —"

"Be quiet, Miss Patil —"

"But Malfoy —"

"That's enough, Mr. Weasley. Potter, follow me, now."

Harry caught sight of Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle's triumphant faces as he left, walking numbly in Professor McGonagall's wake as she strode toward the castle. He knew Aunt Min would berate him senseless, but damn! This was embarassing.

"If you really thought that it wasn't safe to ride a broom, why'd you gift me one as my best gift last birthday?", he asked, still horrified.

"But that was a Thunderbird!", she said. The American broom he'd received from her on his eleventh birthday was written off as 'a consolation that you won't be able to ride one for most of the year'.

"Which is like what — four times? — faster than the school broom!", Harry retorted, the initial tension leaving him.

"But it's much more stable. I could say safe, but the way you ride your broom, it's never safe. You sure you're ok?", she asked, looking at him like a kid who got a 'boo-boo!'

"I'm fine, honestly. So, you haven't ducked points, you haven't given me detentions to last till my seventh year, so why am I here?"

"For Oliver Wood", she replied calmly.

"That fifth year Keeper?", he asked, but immediately flushed.

"How do you know him?", she asked casually.

"He was in an embarassing position with a girl!", he said, but flushed even deeper.

He had found them while returning to Gryffindor tower when some strange voices were coming from an unused classroom. He peeked in, and was horrified to see that they were fighting with their tongues. . . Yuck!

"The son of James is like this! Finally, there is some hope left in this world!", she said and 'borrowed wood' from the DADA class. He'd have a good laugh over it recounting it to. . . Anyone. 

He had shouted 'YES!' directly when the word 'seeker' left her mouth. 

After a simple test of his skills with the snitch — he caught it in near 5 minutes — he received a letter to meet Professor Dumbledore after dinner. He eagerly scribbled a 'Yes' and went to his dorm.

"Emergency grade 3, all marauders active", he called into the mirror.

"What's the matter, Harry?!", Paddy and Moony shouted together, closely followed by his mother and father.

"You won't believe this. . .", and he recounted today's events.

"Way to go, Harry!", Paddy shouted across and did a weirdo victory dance.

"For that matter, how come Moony's with you again?", he asked and smirked.

"Ah — You see — we were just — ah — just something", Sirius seemed to be at a loss for words.

"You said so! You were something! Finally!", now James did the same victory dance while Sirius didn't face the mirror anymore.

"What d'ya mean? You're getting — you know — married?", Harry asked, absolutely elated.

"Not so fast, Pup. Let the guy slow down", Moony said from the mirror.

"Anyways, whom have you told this yet?", and he paused at the look of Harry's face.

"Umm. . . Aunt Min told to keep this a secret", he told rather quickly.

"Ok? I guess. . . ", Lily said, clearly not convinced.

He borrowed the food from the kitchen, "courtesy of M&M", and ate in silence on the top of the Astronomy tower. He quickly went back and directly to the Headmasters office on the seventh floor.

"Sherbet Lemon", he said and the gargoyle took him upstairs.

"Hello Harry! Hope you enjoyed your first two weeks around here", Professor asked kindly.

"It is good. The castle itself is superb, like flowing with magic all around", he said and slumped into the big cosy seat by the table.

"Now, I didn't see you at dinner. Nothing cheeky going around I hope?", he said with a small smile on his face.

"No, sir. At least, not for now. The Weasley twins are excellent at doing 'cheeks' already", Harry replied casually.

"Harry, let me first tell you that in the next edition of Hogwarts: A History, your name would be written as the longest sorting ever performed in Hogwarts. The hat told me about your little discussion, Mr. Potter", Harry flushed at that, "No, Harry, I don't think you can help it. If I were to tell you, you were born to do great things"

"What exactly are those 'great' things? Care to tell me that?", Harry asked; a bit annoyed.

"Maybe you've heard this from me a lot already, but all will be known in time", the Professor sighed.

"So, Professor, why then have you called me here?", Harry asked him.

"Just to inquire if you are going on well in Hogwarts", Albus answered in a casual tone.

"It would've been better if Professor Sni—Snape wouldn't waste time loathing at me in class. Pardon me, but I couldn't resist firing back at him to bring him to his senses. And seeing how things are going, maybe Mum might've made him hear a mouthful"

"I had told him earlier to keep his petty enmity aside, but some long feuds do require more than just a bit of counsel. Don't you worry, he'll adjust", Albus said over his glasses.

"So Harry, I can't tell you about my sources, but someone has informed me that you are a master Occlumens. Is it true?", he asked and took a drink out of his goblet.

"I've never known either. I don't even know if I was attacked at any point", he said.

"So, if you'd mind, can I check if the fact is true?", Albus asked, raising his Elder wand.

"I don't see why not, Professor. I trust you"

"Legimens", the professor whispered and Harry felt nothing different except a calm breeze in his mind. He sat there, looking into the concentrating, then tensing, then tired eyes of the Headmaster after he returned back.

"Did you feel anything?", the professor asked, sipping from his goblet.

"Nothing. Just a calm breeze", he shrugged.

"It would be curfew soon enough. You ought to go. Although you can avoid Mr. Filch with your eyes closed", he smiled and Harry left his seat.

"Oh, Harry. You'd indeed do great things in the future. We can just hope you're pure of heart while doing so", the Headmaster mused to himself before going to his quarters.

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