ch1 sinking

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(A.N: "..." Talk, '... ' thought)

~~~pov captain~~~

I was with my second in command walking while looking at the fourth Gerald R Ford-class, the deck and body is done, but the bridge had redesigned into a similar bridge as the nimitz-class, and i don't know what they're thinking, but they decided to make her length 400m, yeah, 400 fucking meters! And her deck wideness is also increased so it can have multiple aircraft parked on her deck

"Sir, are you okay?, you seems to be deep in thought" My SC(second in command) snapped me out of my deep thought

"H-huh?, nothing, i was just thinking why would they make her sizes and length bigger than her big siblings" I said

"They must be drunk at that time but hey, the bridge is going to placed down today at 12. We got plenty hour before we attend our new carrier launch day" My SC said. Yeah it's true we got what like 4 hours and a half before we have to attend it

"Well, what do you say we go to the canteen and have snacks?" My SC suggest

"Sigh... You're mind is always on foods and snacks, SC(i don't have name for him)" After i said it he looked offended by my words

"Well, let's waste time, we don't want the snacks to run out, True?" I said before running to the canteen not giving him time to answer

That snacks and meal sure taste good, now you might be thinking where are we right now well, to answer your question, we are on USS Frost ichi CVN-81, yeah the fourth Gerald R Ford-class is named Frost ichi, because Indonesia, and japan participate in this construction.

"Ladies and gentlemen!, we hereby launch USS frost ichi CVN-81!" The president yells out as he swings the champagne onto the hull, and water entered the drydock at fast pace quickly filling it up. Cheerful yells and claps is heard from the crowd
After one hour the sailors, officers, SC, and myself board the ship preparing to go out to the sea, now you might be saying why now?, well after getting some war threat from the talibans who surprisingly managed to gain more land, we are going to Afghanistan because the president thought hey, let's have a second round and here we are, after everyone is on they're stations, we start to operate the ship leaving the port while looking at the crowd on the docks waving US flags

~~~pov 3rd person~~~15 years later~~~

we could see the carrier strike group, sailing at a steady speed, at the USS frost ichi deck there is F22C(it's made up), F18C, E-2C, parked neatly, the heli spots(the white stripes one the landing deck is like the one on JS izumo) is parked by stealth Hawks

On one catapult a E-2C is hold standby, near the carrier is a AH-64G(it's an Apache with two propellers instead of one, one on each side near the engine? I don't know but the prop is like scorpion from avatar not the Airbender the other one) the Apache is putting it's gear on and starts landing on the heli spots, there is multiple deck crews doing there jobs, until... BOOM!

A explosion erupted, the deck crews goes into panick, the crew on the bridge tried to find the attacker to no avail, the ships escorting, starts to sail a safe distance before deploying speed boats and they're heli to evacuate the deck crews, incase the ship have a second explosion
"Sir, we don't have locations of the attacker!" Radar officer shouts

"If there is no attacker from the outside.. Then the attacker is in the hangar!" The captain yelled

"Evacuate everyone!, even if it's only been 15 years!, we have to evacuate!"

The crew starts to run and release the emergency boats and start boarding it quickly, the carrier starts to tilt starboard side, the crew from the escorts  race against time to save as many as they could, the aircraft that isn't strapped starts to roll down and sinking into the sea, and after all of them is evacuated, it's only me and my SC standing near the rescue boat from USS port royal

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