🥀Dearest, You Said ~ Craig x Reader🥀

Start from the beginning

You put everything Craig owned from the army in a large picture frame, hanging it on the wall next to your wedding and family pictures. 'Craig....I will always love you....I can't wait to see you again' You thought, kissing your fingers, placing them onto Craig's photo. 


You eventually told Camila and Oliver what happened to Craig when they were a little older, and understandably, they were in shambles. You tried to hold back your tears as your kids cried in your arms, the grief of your husband's loss waving back over you. Your kids are now in middle school, attending South Park Middle School. You had to take a break from teaching for a while, but eventually you went back to teaching your beloved class. Your life went substantially back to normal, but it was never the same.

 At night, you had nightmares of Craig's mangled body, haunting the halls of your shared house. You'll never forget the sight of Craig's story on the news. You eventually got over that figment of guilt and grief and have been progressing every day. Every year on his birthday, you visit his grave with your family and in laws to honor him. Craig's friends also come to visit. His friends all visit you and help out if needed from you. You felt blessed for having friends and family that cared about you and supported you throughout the journey.


"Kids! Dinnertime!" You yell upstairs, and your children come racing down the stairs. Camila and Oliver are now 11 and 10 years old, they've grown so fast. "Mom! I got an A on my science project! They said they loved my rocket model! They said it looked a lot like Dad's from when he was in middle school!" Oliver exclaims, putting his science report on the fridge. Your mind wanders toward the day of the funeral. That day changed everything, not just for you but everyone that knew Craig. 

*FLASHBACK STARTS ~ Start playing the song placed above*

Author POV

You were driving to the church, your wedding song playing the background. Your best friend, Nicole was sitting in the passenger seat, holding your free hand. It was taking everything in you not to burst into tears. You wanted to be strong, not just for you but for your children too. Craig's parents had the kids already at the church. You finally made it to the church, walking up the stairs, dreading to see him. There he was, in a closed coffin. Oh what you would give to see his face once again. 

You walked slowly up to the pulpit, sitting next to the altar. The priest starts the ceremony, having Craig's father reading the obituary. You had glasses on, so that no one could see your tears. Practically everyone in South Park attended your husbands funeral. Some of his buddies from the army came to honor him as well. Your kids came to sit next to you, Camila crying while Oliver stays silent. 'Our poor babies....I'll stay strong for them. They need me.' You thought, hugging both children as the funeral proceeds. 

Suddenly, Camila starts sobbing loudly along with Oliver, shocking you and breaking you heart all over again. Your parents grab the kids, trying their best to tend to the sad kids. It was now time for people to come up and share memories that have of Craig. First, his parents, his friend group, Clyde, Tweek, and Tolkien, his sister Tricia, and then it was your turn. Everyone knew it was going to be hard for you to share because well...he was your husband. The love of your life, your best friend. 

You take a deep breath, and started talking about the love story of you and Craig. "I love you so much, Craig. The kids miss you so much." You finish, going to Craig's coffin, placing your hand on it, shuddering. You then go back to your seat, trembling with pain. Then, you sob, and it continues. Everyone ends up joining in, feeling your heartbreak along with their own. Nicole came to your seat and held you as long as she could. 

It was time for the send off. The officials start it off, with others helping bring Craig's casket out of the church. You ran after the coffin, feeling your heart sink lower and lower. "CRAIG!!!!!!" You scream, as you fall to your knees, sobbing continuously. Your friends were trying to comfort you as much as they could as Craig's coffin was taken to the graveyard. Eventually, it was time for everyone to head to the burial then back to the church for repass. 


"Mommy?" Oliver asks, trying to get your attention. You come to, trying to fight the tears. "I'm sorry honey, mommy's been having a bit of a doozy." You explain, ruffling his hair. You kneel down to Oliver, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I am so proud of you, sweetie. Your father would be thrilled to see your model." You say, placing a kiss on Oliver's cheek. You serve your kiddos dinner and you all discuss your days.

 "Mommy, I have a question. Could we have a dog?" Camila asks, with pleading eyes. You nod, with Camila and Oliver squealing with delight. You giggle, sighing. "We'll go to the shelter tomorrow after school. How does that sound?" You say, as the kids nod. This was going to be a hard transition but you know you were going to get through it. Together, as a family. 


 A/N : Y'all knew that some form of angst was coming ;-; lowkey made me upset writing it

Word Count : 1628 words

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