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I woke up inside of a room that looked identical to the one at the beginning of the games before I went into the tube. I glanced over and saw a tube. I walked over to a table to see only one knife. That's sad, that's the only thing I had from the last arena. I would've ran out of food so it's good that it's final twelve now. I grabbed the knife and walked over for the tube.

The second I got in the tube it closed. It didn't move for a few minutes then it started lifting. Whenever I saw the arena I was a little confused. The forest looked normal but oddly sketchy. There were a lot of fruits on the bushes and branches, birds perched up on branches,etc.

One thing I noticed immediately was that there these dead but alive humanoid things. They were circling the cornucopia and on the outskirts of the platforms that we stood on.

I have no choice but to go into the cornucopia. I need food. As the last twenty seconds were counting down I started to calculate who was still living. Eros and Spyder from District one, Amazon,Sky,and Lotus from District two, Carter and Pixelle from District three, Troy and Azariah from District four, Flicker from District five, Raven from district six, all of district seven, Lacey from district eight, Teddy and Mazie from District nine, Heidi,Cleave, and Dalton from District ten, Destry and Summer from District eleven, and Dionysius from District twelve.

I had lost track of time as I was thinking of who was still alive. Claudius Templesmith was already on five.

"Five,Four,Three,Two,One."Claudius counted, BOOM

The gong sounded and I rushed off of my platform. I didn't run straight for the cornucopia but I waited with my knife in hand. I grabbed a backpack that was on the outskirts and got out of there.


I ran straight for the cornucopia and grabbed what I needed. I dodged one of Eros' arrows and ran to find Bella, Lacey, or Jaxon. I spotted Bella instantly.

"Where's Lacey?!"Azariah asked

"I don't know I didn't see her."Bella said as she ran towards someone and started fighting

I noticed Lacey run to the side of the cornucopia. I followed after her. When I got to the side of the cornucopia so did Amazon and Sky. Sky launched a knife instantly. I grabbed Lacey and pushed her out of the way. I looked at Lacey to see if she was okay. Lacey had a huge scar on her forehead gushing blood. I was about to stand up to fight but Angel and Jaxon came to help.

"Go! We'll meet you guys in the forest!"Angel said

"Come on come on get up!"Carter said as he grabbed my hand and we ran into the forest.

We ran deep inside the forest to think we had a rest two velociraptor-like mutts came rushing at us.

"Woah!"I yelled as I swung my spear at the velociraptor

Bella managed to take out one the velociraptors with her sword. The velociraptor screeched as it died causing the velociraptor that I was fighting to turn and attack Bella. Bella screamed as it tackled her to the ground.

"AAAHHH!"Bella screamed

Carter quickly ran up and stabbed the velociraptor. Carter tried to push the velociraptor off of Bella but struggled.

"Hey Azariah...some help please?"Carter said

I stood up and pushed the velociraptor off of Bella and helped Bella up. I looked down at the velociraptor and noticed that there was green blood coming from them.

"That's disgusting."Bella said

"Guys come on let's go!"Jaxon said as him and Angel came running towards us.

Angel was holding Lacey as her head was buried into his chest.

"Do any of you guys have a medkit or bandages?"Angel asked as we all ran deeper into the forest.

We rested by a tree and laid Lacey down. Lacey had tears rushing down her eyes and was holding the scar on her forehead.

"We probably can't close it...but we can wrap it up to keep our infection."Carter said

Jaxon cleaned the blood and started wrapping the bandages around Lacey's forehead.

"It's okay Lacey it'll all be fine."Bella said as she tried to wipe Lacey's tears.


I grabbed a mace and started fighting off people. Amazon must've thought I was weak and tried to attack me. My plan worked, I wanted to seem weak and then shock everyone.

I grabbed Amazon and slammed him onto the ground. Amazon was way smaller than me and smaller than the other careers. Amazon looked terrified.

"Wait!"Amazon said

I was about to bring my mace down onto Amazons face whenever Eros stabbed me in the side. I turned around and smacked Eros in the face with the back of my face causing Eros' nose to start gushing blood. Eros punched me in the face and I fell back into Amazon who grabbed me and attempted to slit my throat. I elbowed Amazon in the stomach and pushed him to the ground. I grabbed Amazons backpack and my mace and started running.

I ran into Dalton from district ten who attempted to attack me from behind a tree with a rock. I grabbed Daltons arm and slammed him against the tree. I then backed up and slammed my mace into his face.

I'm the only alive district twelve tribute, I have to win. Katniss and Peeta are counting on me to have another winner this year. As I walked I noticed many dinosaurs, many didn't bother you unless you bothered them I'm assuming. I walked towards a big grassy meadow. I didn't like being here because it was so out in the open.

Shortly after the bloodbath all the cannons went off. Only five cannons went off, meaning nineteen people were left. I was a little disappointed because I was expecting more people do die, but people these games are very strong.

My legs were slowly starting to get tired as I made it to a stream as evening was setting in. I kneeled down to eat some of my rations and fill up my water bottle, but a drop of rain his my body. At first it didn't bother me, but as the rain came down my skin started to burn.

"AAAHHH!"I screamed as I ran into a cave adjacent to the stream

I stepped into the cave and started rubbing my skin. It burned like hell. I poured water onto my arms and face to help the burns. It stopped burning but my skin formed small welts. I rolled down my sleeves and sat in the cave and ate some of my rations.

After a while and night settled in I peeked my head out to see the death showcase. Pixelle district three,Flicker district five,Raven district six,Mazie district nine,Dalton district ten. I went back into my cave a little irritated. This gonna be harder with so many people so early in the games.

I used my backpack as a pillow and laid my head down. I waited quietly for more cannons to go off throughout the night but they never did. I slowly faded into sleep.

75th Hunger Games Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon