It's The Holiday Season Part II

Start from the beginning

"That's too funny and yet more proof Dr. Torres of just how much we think alike! I just stumbled upon the same restaurant. It looks like a fun change of pace from what we normally tend to eat. Plus, they have Spätzle noodles as a side dish. The noodles alone caught my attention since it's been years since I last tasted Spätzle."

I couldn't help myself and had to giggle at Arizona's excitement over the Spätzle noodles. Her enthusiasm reminded me again of the little things I love about being her wife. Even though we made decent money as a couple, Arizona always appreciated the little things in life that I could sometimes overlook. 

"Well then Dr. Robbins, you and I will have Spätzle and anything else your heart desires. I am just happy to be by your side this weekend. I love you and am already loving this trip." 

We both leaned in for a fast kiss before she said, "Dr. Torres, I love you and your big heart. This was so sweet of you to arrange this surprise trip for the two of us. I too am just happy to be by your side this weekend."

After we finished our rich desserts, we headed back to the hotel to freshen-up and then relax before dinner. I was able to snag us a 7:30 pm reservation at the restaurant, so that gave us 4 hours to decompress in the hotel. We decided to lounge on the bed and loosely watch TV, before taking a long, hot bath together and getting ready.

Arizona wore a pair of lighter colored jeans that she slightly cuffed, with boots and a merino wool cable sweater that was complemented by a scarf. It was a sweater she had owned since right after we met, that I hadn't seen her in since our last snowstorm in Seattle. I opted that evening for a longer cashmere sweater, with leggings and low cut boots. I also donned a scarf to dress up my outfit and keep my neck warm. Our restaurant was about 4 blocks away, so we decided to walk.

In the process of us relaxing in our room, the sun had set and the small village of Leavenworth, Washington, had become aglow with lights of all colors, shapes and sizes. The town runs a lighting festival from Thanksgiving to the end of February every year. It was an amazing sight to see an entire town lit up and fueled our sense of romance to be a part of the feeling the lighting created. 

Arizona took my hand as we begun walking side by side. The four blocks went by quickly as we commented on the different light displays and pointed out aspects we liked to one another. It felt like we were in a cheesy, Hallmark Channel Christmas movie with how picturesque this mountain town was. I thankfully, unlike their movies, had already found the love of my life and didn't need to go through one of their typical plot arcs in order to win her over. Thank goodness for that!

Once we got to the restaurant, we were seated within 10 minutes. As we debated about which bottle of wine we should get, we decided to go with a Müller-Thurgau from Oregon we had tried many years ago and enjoyed. For our appetizer, Arizona picked the pan-seared scallops. No, they weren't necessarily Bavarian, but were a perfect start to a very filling entree. 

After carefully looking over the menu in our hotel room, we had narrowed our options down to the Jägerschnitzel or, the Zwiebelrostbraten. Both were entree's that were designed to be eaten by two people, and both had Spätzle noodles as a side. In the end, we decided on the Jägerschnitzel that also included toasted red cabbage.

"Oh my goodness, Callie, I'm going to gain so much weight after this weekend, but I'm really not caring about it! That dinner was fantastic tonight and I'm happily over-stuffed! It's so amazing to me to be immersed in Bavarian cuisine again, like when my Dad was stationed at Landstuhl. You have made me one, very happy wife this evening that feels the need to gratuitously thank you later on..."

Arizona flashed me her seductive, leading look that I knew meant I was getting lucky, hopefully, once we got back to our room. All I could do in response, was beam about how happy I had made my wife and it was only the first day of our three day trip.

The Aftermath of Callie and Arizona - Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now