Fitz wasn't sure how Dex would be able to make such an object, but he had no doubt in his boyfriend's brilliant talent in his ability, how skilled he was with gadgets and all that techy kind of stuff.

He was excited to have the ring in his possession once Dex was finished with it.

"Okay! You drag the chair in while I get to work!"
"Mmh? Alright, I can't wait to watch you get in the zone."
"Shshshsh! You'll distract me!"


Fitz watched as Dex covered up the small card in the ring by placing the button which he wired with it onto the bottom of the ring. The crystal Dex had glued on top was a teal coloured one, as it matched Fitz's eyes and the image would appear in that sort of hue.

"This is fascinating, watching you work." Fitz said as Dex was looking at every single part of the ring, ensuring nothing was wrong.
"Haha, I'm just doing something I love." Dex said, shrugging.
"Still, my mind sometimes can't comprehend what you say when you explain things, but it's sweet to listen to you talk so passionately about how it all works." Fitz said, resting his cheek on his hand as he watched Dex still staring intensely at the ring.
"Well, as much as I love making such complicated gadgets, it's sometimes frustrating." Dex sighed out.
"Now, it's time to see if this will work."

Dex turned his chair, facing away from Fitz as he pressed the button on the bottom of the ring.
Dex smiled as a image of himself projected, making a heart and disappeared after a few seconds.
Dex turned around in his chair to face Fitz again.
"Here you go!"
Dex held out the ring for Fitz and Fitz smiled.
"It works?" Fitz questioned.
Dex nodded, a huge grin on his face.
"It works! But you have to really press down on the button, so that if you accidently graze it with your finger, it won't just suddenly project the image of me." Dex said.
" keeps things a little less...erm, obvious."

Fitz gently took the ring and placed it on his index finger.
"Thank you, Dex." Fitz said softly.
"I really...I do appreciate this."
Fitz shuffled a little closer and Dex smiled as Fitz leaned in slightly.
"Of course, you're my boyfriend. I know you're under a lot of pressure, sometimes you just need a reminder that someone loves you just the way you are." Dex said.
Fitz gently cupped Dex's cheeks and Dex really couldn't stop smiling and he leaned in slightly too. Their lips slowly met and Dex melted into the kiss as he rested his hands on Fitz's lap.

Fitz smiled into the kiss and he pulled away very slightly, letting out a soft laugh.
"Ah, god...I love you." Fitz said in a quiet voice.
Dex smiled. "I love you too."
They were about to lock lips once again but both of them got startled as the door slammed opened.
"I am done!" Keefe scowled.
Keefe stopped as he looked at Dex and Fitz, seeing how close they were.
"Oh! Whoops!"
Fitz grumbled and glared at Keefe while Dex pulled away and looked at Keefe.

"Oh god..." Dex grimaced, trying to stifle a laugh as he seen Keefe.
"What did my siblings do to you?"
Keefe's hair was a mess and it had a bit of colour in it. Only the tips of his hair were colourful, but Keefe didn't look too pleased.
"They tackled me and tried to dye my hair." Keefe scowled.
"So, I am gonna go back home and bleach out all this colour from my hair!"
Dex sighed.
"No, stay behind. I can make you something that'll get rid of the colour, something better than bleach." Dex said, getting up.

Dex looked at Fitz who was putting on his cape.
"Uh? Are you leaving?" Dex questioned.
Fitz smiled at Dex as he got up and kissed his cheek. Dex's cheeks turned red and he looked at Fitz, still a little confused.
"I need to get home soon anyway, my father wants me for dinner, apparently Lord Vincent will be over with his daughter and so... I can't really stay." Fitz said.
"But, I will hail you if I have the chance later, okay?"

Dex felt strange when Fitz mentioned that Lord Vincent guy but he smiled at Fitz.
"Yeah, okay. Have a nice dinner." Dex said, nodding.
Dex quickly kissed Fitz's cheek and Fitz smiled as he dug out his home crystal.
"Uh, later Fitz." Keefe said, smiling at his best friend.
"Later Keefe." Fitz said, smiling back at the Empath.
Fitz held his crystal up and he light-leapt away, back to Everglen.

"I never liked that Lord Vincent guy." Keefe said.
Dex raised an eyebrow at Keefe.
"You know the guy?" Dex asked.
"He used to visit Everglen often when Fitz and I were younger. Always brought his daughter around." Keefe answered, looking at Dex.
"They attempted to get Fitz and her to have a play date a couple of times. I don't remember her name, but it's some proper sort of fancy name. Man, she was annoying, thankfully Biana took the fall and stole her away so Fitz and I could run off to our spot."

Dex scoffed and bit his lower lip.
"I met him once. He was an ass." Dex said, grumbling.
"Yeah? Don't worry, Fitz wouldn't get with his daughter. Especially since he's dating you now." Keefe said.
"But let's take your mind off it! Help me fix my hair please!"
Dex smiled at Keefe.
"Haha, come on. We gotta go to my dad's workspace." Dex said, walking off and leading the way.
Keefe followed Dex behind.

He didn't like the emotions radiating from the Technopath, but he decided to not bring it up. Not when his hair was in dire need of help.


Word count:2508

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