I Miss Him...

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A/N - Art is by Smiles on tumblr, please give credit to them!!!!

*Punz POV*

The wind was battering against my face. I'm almost there. My feet feel like they are turning into stone. There is a light glow of a lantern ahead. Staggering against the harsh arctic winds, I trip. The snow hits my face hard, giving my already frostbitten face a cold facemask. Bringing my foot back up I haul myself up and keep trudging through the high snow.

Techno needs to know this. We need to get Daydream out of the hellhole quickly. My poor Daydream. Against everyone, he alone stood strong until me and Techno came along. George and Sapnap, I hate them. They just let him for what? Protecting them! They never realized. It's all a ploy and George is wrapped around that Devil's finger.

The door handle in front of me is freezing. Icicles hang from it, shining brightly. Just like Dream's eyes used to.

Kicking the door three times, heavy footsteps are heard from inside the warmly lit house.

The door opens and I fall onto the floor only to be held up by strong arms closing the door and laying down on the newly built couch.

"Why on earth would you come 'ere at night, when a vicious snowstorm is raging outside?"

Then only does he realize the stab wound on the side of my waist.

"Who did this to you." Techno growled.

"Quackity and Sam." I said, through chapped lips, while Techno wrapped cleaned the wound with a washcloth before soaking some bandages in a healing potion before wrapping them around my waist.

"Tea?" he asked, wrapping his iconic red cape around me.

"Yes, please." I replied.

He walked into the kitchen and set a teapot on his furnace top.

"Why were they after you?" he asked. "Or did you go to them."

"I went to the prison to visit Dream to talk to him a-and...Techno t-they are torturing him. I-I can't bear it. He's chained up and Quackity apparently goes e-everyday, trying to convince D-dream to give the revival book." I said sniffling.

Techno came over to me and put his arms around me in a warm embrace. "I'll kill those bastards." He snarled.

"We have to get him out Techno, it's not good for him! I know he's just trying to keep peace on the SMP, but he has s-suffered more than anyone, yet he still is!"

"I know, and we will get him out, soon." Techno said, after handing me the soothing and delicious cup of tea.

"It's that problem that he doesn't want to get out." I mumbled.

"We will get him out whether he want to or not." Techno said grumpily as I blubbered out a half-hearted chuckle.

"Do we not have any way to talk to him? And Oh My God... Techno he's a sheep hybrid, they flock together, and he's isolated.

"We will get him out tomorrow." He deducted.

"Tomorrow?!" I exclaimed." "He wouldn't want that, but it's for his own good."

"Tomorrow, I don't care if that green Teletubby doesn't want to get out of prison, we're getting him out." Techno huffed, with a slight laugh.

Techno took my teacup and set it on the countertop, and I followed him around, dragging his cape around on the floor.

"You go ahead to your room; I'll get at many resources ready for tomorrow heist." He said.

"I would call it a jailbreak." I said.

"We are stealing a green Teletubby. It's a heist." He said, guffawing.

I smiled and went into our room. Me and Dreams room. Yes, me and Dream have a room in Techno's house, the guy needs us, he won't tell you, but he does.

I wanted to get some of Dream's clothes to were, but almost all of his clothes were small, and all his big clothes, were mine...

So I just put on my own clothes and got comfy on our bed, and slept knowing that tomorrow, we will go save the angel of this server and my angel.

A/N - Hope ya'll Enjoyed!!! Stay Safe and Be Happy!!!   :3

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