Part 1

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Sierra's pov:
My friends are the squad there is Alex,Levi,Jade,Drake,Zach,Charli(my sister), Luca,Candi,Jaxx, Sora and Light and me of course Luca is my best friend but I see him more than a best friend I see him as a boyfriend but he only sees me as a best friend or so I thought.
Luca's pov:
So I kinda have a crush on a orange bestie but I have two crushes there is Sierra and there is Charli I have feelings for both of them but I kinda like Charli more cause Sierra is my best friend and that will be weird but I get these weird butterflies in my stomach when I'm around Sierra I think I like her more than Charli.
Charli's pov:
I'm not dumb I know when Sierra has a crush we're sisters after all she told me that she doesn't have a crush everyone has a crush on someone I wonder who her crush is I see her looking at Luca alot Maybe she has a crush on him maybe not there best friends after all she could have a secret crush on him that's probably it.
Alex: Squad meeting
Levi: what bestie
Jaxx: is Alevi finally going to be confirmed
Alex and Levi: No we're besties
Sora: don't yell at my boyfriend
Jaxx: thanks baby
*They make out*
Charli: woah hey light
Light: h-hey c-charli
Sierra: hey Luca *hugs Luca*
Luca: *blushes but hugs back*
Candi: hey guys
Zach: hey *puts a arm around Alex*
*Levi is jealous right now*
Drake: *walking in with Jade* what's up
Sierra: so Alex what's the meeting about
Alex: we are getting new rooms and roommates
The whole squad: *sighs*
Alex: first we have Sierra and Luca
Sierra: yay
Luca: yay
Alex: next we have Charli and light
They say yay
Alex: then Sora and Jaxx of course
Alex: Zach and Me
Alex: I'm sorry, Levi and Candi
Levi: I'll kill you bestie
Candi: thanks Alex
Alex: last Drake and Jade
*With Luca and Sierra*
Luca's pov:
I can't believe I have to share a room with Sierra I'm so crushing on her wait what no we are just best friends but I think I'm kinda crushing on her  because she looks so cute cuter than Charli and that's saying alot  I really want to kiss her lips woah Luca slow down you guys are literally just best friends but I want to be more than best friends.
Luca: the rooms nice right
Sierra: yea it's nice my side is light orange
Luca: my side is white my color
Sierra: and light orange is my color
Luca: can I tell you something
Sierra: you can tell me anything we're best friends
Luca: I kinda like Charli-
Sierra: *heart shatters*
Sierra's pov:
Oh so he likes Charli my heart shattered into a million pieces I really liked him but he likes someone else that someone is my sister wait I don't think Charli likes Luca that's good for me.
Luca: Sierra you ok did you hear me
Sierra: I'm ok just thinking no I didn't hear you
Luca: can you please help me get with Charli
Sierra's mind: hell no
Sierra: *silent and goes to her side of the room*
Luca: *goes to his side*
Sierra: *silently cries*
Luca: you ok
Sierra: *slobs* I'm fine
Luca: no your not your crying what's wrong
Sierra: I kinda have crush on someone
Luca's pov:
Oh so she likes someone I wonder who it is.
End of part 1

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