Episode 8: the Goblin Attacks

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Tarantula leaps from building to building, with the suit cases full of Star Labs tech he stole. Miles swings behind him, trying to catch up to him. During his chase, Miles gets a phone call from Lexi. Since he was swinging he, tried to ignore and continue his pursuit, but Lexi was persistent. After everytime Miles' phone would stop ringing, it would ring again. Eventually, Miles pulled out his phone and answered it.

"Lex?! I'm kinda busy right now?" Miles asks, webbing Tarantula's back, and pulling himself towards Tarantula's direction.

"The hell is all that noise back there? Is everything alright?" Lexi asks, sounding slightly alarmed.

"Yeah, just a fight." Miles replies, landing on Tarantula's back. Miles quickly wraps a web Tarantula's neck, and pulls it, as a attempt to stop him.

"You sure it's just a regular fight because, it sounds like-

"Lexi, look, I'm really busy right now so I gotta go." Miles shouts.

"Wait, Miles I'm-

Miles hangs up on Lexi before she could finish her sentence.

"Sorry." She sighed.

In another part of the city, Miguel and Robby walk side by side, heading home together.

"So? Blue Beetle, huh?" Robby asks, looking at Robby.

"Look, if you're gonna talk about how much the name sucks then-

"No, no. It's actually... Kinda grown on me." Robby responds with a chuckle. Miguel looks slightly relieved.


"Yeah. It kinda sounds like... A futuristic superhero. Which is fitting for you."

Miguel nods, taking in Robby's words. He opens his mouth to say something else but before he could, the sound of people screaming and destruction fills their ears. Miguel and Robby walk towards the direction people were running from and saw Miles, as Spider-Man pursuing Tarantula. Robby and Miguel look at each other.

"I'll cover you." Robby says, as him and Miguel head toward a deserted alleyway. Miguel internally requests for the scarab to activate his suit. At first, nothing. After a couple of more tries, the suit finally forms.

"Alright, good luck out there. And please, be careful." Robby says.

"I'll try!" Miguel says, following Miles and Tarantula.

"How long are you gonna keep this shit up?" Tarantula asks, shooting at Miles. Miles dodges the bullets from Tarantula's gun, and swing kicks him across the face, causing Tarantula to fall off of the building they were on top of. Luckily, his spider legs clung onto the building and he safely skidded to the ground.

"Until you back the hell down and give back the tech you stole from Star Labs." Miles shouts back, slamming him down into the concrete, and trying to pin him down.

"Guess you're gonna be keeping this up for a while then." Tarantula growls, headbutting Miles. Miles is unphased and headbutts him back, which causes Tarantula's head to get sent back to the ground instantly. Miles webs his mouth, then backflips off of him, webbing the rest of his body.

"Hate to tell you, I have better things to do." Miles quips, shooting a web string to swing away. But before he could make his exit, Tarantula breaks out of the web Miles put him in. He then quickly gets up and pulls the web from his face.

"Gonna have to do more than that to keep me down." Tarantula says, unsheathing his wrist blades.

"You've gotta be kidding me." Miles groans, getting ready to face Tarantula. They charge at each other and begin to fight. Tarantula swings his blades at Miles but Miles swiftly dodges them, and webs Tarantula's hands together. Then, he lands a spinning kick on Tarantula's head, cracking his helmet. Then, he lands a few punches on him, completely breaking his helmet. Tarantula breaks out of the web, and lands a backhand on him that sends him leaves him disoriented. Tarantula uses that opportunity to kick Miles into the side of the car.

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