Chapter 2

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"An explosion has occurred in the Industrial District, and the cause is still unknown. Reports are coming in, but the situation remains confusing and is developing. The Matriarchs have declared a state of emergency in Nos Astra and Ilium..."

President Jane Shepard gazes at the monitor, observing the events she set in motion. The Reaper nanites, programmed to deactivate upon command, the vials contain a liquid made from the blood of the corrupted, including her old friend, Sara Anderson, also known as the Shadow.

Shepard sought out someone to create this weapon, for which she paid a significant sum. Once she saw the results, she ordered the deactivation of the Nanites. She didn't want the new Reapers to spread out of control, at least not until she was ready for the true grand reveal. Her Cabinet and Parliament are oblivious of her plans, and even many of her friends remain in the dark. Shepard hopes this weapon will change Victus' stance on continuing the war. Initially, she wanted to test it on a densely populated area but was discouraged due to the potential risk of the nanites going out of control.

Shepard looks at the monitor, pleased that everything is going according to plan so far. The reports show progress, although her officer who planted the first device reported an attack, resulting in three dead troopers. The vials were left behind, with only a rifle and three ammo belts missing from the dead troopers. Shepard guesses her old friend, Admiral Tali'Zorah vas Normandy, to be behind it. Tali never did confirm her transfer to the Enterprise.  This is her first move against Shepard. As the monitor fades, Shepard's office door chimes.

"Come in," Shepard says as Garrus walks in. She feels that her best friend is either worried or angry or both, though it's hard to tell at the moment.

"Shepard... I see you've been updated," he remarks, knowing it to be true.

"Yes... It's such a disaster," Shepard lies through her teeth. Garrus picks up on it, enters the room, closes the door, and locks it. He turns to face Shepard, bringing up his Omi-tool and playing a video he received from Tali.

"That confirms who attacked my men," Shepard states as she walks toward the window.

"You told me..." Garrus starts, unable to finish his thought.

"For the most part... I didn't lie to you. This weapon will bring an end to the war. If I can't invade the Hierarchy, then I'll show Victus what will happen if he ever entertains the thought of invading the Federation...," Shepard trails off.

"The deactivation protocols are working," Shepard states, attempting to provide some reassurance to her best friend. She avoids making eye contact with the Turian. Garrus is taken aback by what he's hearing. Shepard's blatant hypocrisy is now out in the open. She had promised never to utilize the weapons of their old enemy, yet here she is, employing the very weapons that the Reapers used. Garrus, ever loyal, contemplates his options. For now, he believes that the war still needs him here. However, he is beginning to question who the true enemy really is.
Tali finds herself in a corner of her abandoned room within the building, overseeing the bustling activity on the streets below. The recent explosion has caused a stir among both security forces and civilians, but Tali managed to disappear without a trace before Nos Astra Security or the Asari Military could interrogate her. The sight she witnessed still feels surreal – civilians transforming into Reapers by weaponized Reaper nanites at an alarming speed, surpassing even the ability of the Reapers themselves.

Absorbed in the files she obtained, mostly consisting of invoices and supply orders, Tali relies on her experience.  Everything is connected. It is a matter of finding the right connections. Shepard has become gifted at weaving the right lies. As Tali wraps up her work, she hears commotion outside and grabs her new rifle, cautiously approaching the door. The chatter indicates Nos Astra Security is outside, and then she hears her name being called.

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