2. chapter^boys...

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It's not normal how annoying and uncool the boys in our year are!

The only attractive and actually nice people are a year apart from me!

But life is boring when you cannot observe someone in the maths lesson...

Because observing the blackboard is impossible.

-You blink one time and all of a sudden, its full of numbers.

Anyways...I want the she fell, and he fell harder relationship, so let's create a fake scenario until the lesson is over.

"Vici my boo!" We run in each others arms.

"Ash I have news!" She grabs my arm and pulls me towards the classroom

Then she whispers, "The new student is so hot! He sat with me at English class today...He is still in there..."


Because Vici sees throught me all the time she opens her eyes wide as she tries to stop me from looking around the doorframe to see him.

The result of that was a girl laying over an another girl in front of the classroom.

The teacher's and new guy's attention is now on us...

"God he's really hot" I whisper back and blush


He even walks to me and smiles jokingly because I may look stupid lying on the floor.

But he reaches out his hand to help me

Our eyes are connected like our minds.

I also reach for his hands till...


"Get the fuck up!" It's Vici who helps me up.

"What did you daydream about this time?"


I'm melting

He looks so gorgeous oh my god!

I glance at him the last time, and we quickly dissapear

Is this it? The love of my live? He looked at me! 😫


„I want to be in Arendel."

Someone would reply that Arendel
(Disney Movie Frozen) doesn't exist.

But I am not a childhood destroyer so I reply: „You are in your own cute Princess world."

My little sister Lucy and I are swinging in the big playground in the middle of Seattle Park.

She is so lucky to grow up in such a modern city. Not like me...
But I still have pretty good chances to get great education here.

*My basic thoughts*

No I'm not a nerd. I don't exactly know myself yet...

Sometimes I am Hans or the gnome from Lucy's perspective but isn't that cute?

Mom walks over and twirls Lucy around.

"How Was your day sweetheart?"

"Great and yours?" I reply sarcastically.

Mom rolls her eyes. "I was asking Lucy"

I miss my dad. He was always there for me. But of course he needed to leave me.

I hope he is in a better World now

After his dad my mom wanted to life a new life and move.

Bye Bye my best friends.

Now? I am a freak with no friends and zero chances for a happy day.
Except when Lucy is there to brighten my day.

Well what is motivating me to learn?

What makes me happy every day from now?

What is the reason I want to live?

My girl.

Authors note ♡


The plot-twist guy?
Or Georgy we don't know...

Okay actually we DO know...
-the description lol

I love his sister thought!

She will get a big role in the story later...

Hope y'all liked the shapter bye guys!

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