Start from the beginning

MUSTANG: Now then, his name is Isaac McDougal, (cue to thrilling music) or as he was known back in the day, Isaac the Freezer. He's a former State Alchemist.

ED: Former?

MUSTANG: That's right. He served in the Ishvalan War. During that time, he gave us no signs that he'd turned traitor. But after, he immediately resigned his commission and went into hiding. He's been working with the anti-establishment movement ever since. Taking him into custody is a matter of top priority. Whether it's dead or alive, that's up to him.

ED: No way, I'm not killing anyone for you.

MUSTANG: And that's your choice. Your orders are simply to help us contain him, that's all. (pause as he looks at Ed) Off topic, have you *turned up* any leads for getting your bodies back to normal?

ED: (annoyed) Maybe if you ever gave us time to look!

(Hughes bursts the door open)

HUGHES: Roy! How goes?! *How'd you let 'em* put you in charge of catching the Freezer, huh? One helluva nasty assignment! But hey, could be your chance to earn that promotion to Central! Oh, see? Looks like my timing was perfect! You three are the Elric brothers, right? (excitedly shakes Al's hand, who looks embarrassed) Wow! It's an honor to finally meet the youngest State Alchemist ever! You're a real legend around here! I'm Lieutenant Colonel Maes Hughes, a pleasure!

AL: You want Edward. I'm actually his younger brother, Alphonse. And his my oldest brother Y/n

Y/n: Sup

HUGHES: (turns to Ed, who's seething) You're the Fullmetal Alchemist? Sorry, I had no idea you'd be so-

ED: (in his mind) Go on, say little, I dare you.

MUSTANG: Hughes!


MUSTANG: What are you doing here? Go home.

HUGHES: Actually, I'm here on official business. (turns to Ed,Al and Y/n)You, Elrics, I understand that you three don't have a place to stay, which means you'll have to come with me. (Al, Ed and Y/n gasp, Hughes pulls something from his chest pocket and the boys start, but it's a picture of Gracia and Elicia) My wife Gracia and my daughter Elicia, we'd love to have you! (Cut to Elicia's face at the family's apartment door. Hughes hugs her a second later) Hi, princess!

ELICIA: (giggles) Oh Daddy, your beard is itchy!

HUGHES: (rubs his face against Elicia lovingly, she giggles) Like this? Itchy, itchy! (Cut to a street view of the building and then back to Elicia) Look, we have guests! These are the Elric brothers!

ELICIA: (points at Al) Big brother, (points at Ed) Little brother (points at Y/n) oldest brother.

ED: (about to burst in a rage, but trying hard to control himself) Nice to meet you. My name is Edward Elric, this is my younger brother, Alphonse Elric and my oldest brother Y/n Elric (between clenched teeth) Get that? Younger brother.

ELICIA: The younger means little. You're little.

(Ed breaks into a rage, but Al holds him from his coat as Hughes walks inside with Elicia)

AL: (holding the enraged Ed in the air and calmly taking him inside) Let it go, Ed. These people are being nice to let us stay here.

HUGHES: (from inside) Hope you boys are hungry. Gracia's cooking is delicious! (Cut to the food. Indeed it looks good. Ed gasps, impressed) Okay, eat up!

ED: (excited) Thanks! (after tasting the meal) Wow, you weren't kidding, this is great!

GRACIA: (kindly) Don't be shy, eat all you want.

 the homunculus loboan Elric (male reader x Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)Where stories live. Discover now