#4 - Up All Night

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Warning ⚠️ : angst! (my first time writing it) just some arguing, no smut unless we want that for part 2?

You turned on the shower in an attempt to tune out Dominic's whining. It was the third night in a row you'd been out with your friends this week, and for some reason he was not having it.

His voice gets closer as you wipe your makeup off and take out your earrings, preparing to settle in for the night regardless of how dramatic your boyfriend was being. Or at least that's how it came off to you. It's not like you were clubbing or out with guys, just a few girl's nights back to back.

"So now we just walk away while we're talking to each other?" He stood in the door with his hand up on the frame.

"I'm not doing this tonight, Dom"

"You're not doing what? Having an adult conversation? Obviously."

"I'm getting in the shower."

He continues to mouth off as your jeans and top hit the floor and you step into the warm water.

"Jesus christ, it's like I'm not even here. Fuck me then."

Part of you wanted to de-escalate the conversation and just go to bed, and part of you was tipsy and didn't give a fuck and just wanted to go to bed.

Stepping out with a fresh face, you were glad to see the door was closed and could hear the TV. You wrap yourself in a towel, do a little more skincare, and grab your clothes from the floor. To no surprise, the energy was still off once you stepped into the bedroom. He glared at you as you walked towards the dresser, turned the TV off, and made his way toward the living room.

"I'm so sleepy right now, I can't even deal with his shit" you think to yourself as you slide on one of his tees and flip back the covers. You tried to sleep but Dominic being mad at you, especially seemingly over nothing, was really bothering you. After a few minutes of tossing and turning, you decide to meet him in the living room.

"Dom?" he glares at you again, clearly just as irritated as he was when you first got home.

"Cmon talk to me, I can't sleep," you plead as you make your way over to the couch. His eyes stay focused on the TV as if you never entered the room.

"Dont play, you know I'll turn this TV off," he does it himself in response and faces towards you.

"Go ahead y/n." No nickname? Not even your name shortened? Yea whatever he was really pissed about, he was serious.

"I just don't understand why it's such a big deal I'm hanging with my friends this week. You know one of them has a birthday coming up and likes to celebrate all week. We talked about this and-"

"Honestly I don't even care anymore, do whatever you want," he interrupts, facing forward again.

"Don't be an asshole, I'm trying to talk to you."

"Oh! I'm being the asshole now?" he asks in a nonchalant, almost mocking tone.
"What happened to 'not doing this tonight'? Was that not you being an asshole? Ignoring me and getting in the shower, that's not you being an asshole?" He decides to dial it back. "Nevermind, forget it... do what you want, ignore me, be out late with your friends, I don't give a fuck."

"We're just in the house drinking margaritas and chatting shit, I can't be up under you 24/7," you argue.

"Mhm," he turns the TV on. You hated when he'd shut down and honestly preferred his rambling versus this.

You knew right now he was trying to prove a point, give you a taste of your own medicine, but the small pit of anger in your stomach grew bigger and bigger. You got up and began to stomp off, but felt the need to get the last word.

"You know what? Only one of us has a history of cheating, and it's not my fault you're so fucking clingy." You knew the fire you'd started, but it was too late and Dom was up from the couch too. Brows furrowed and ready for whatever happened next.

The next 15 minutes consisted of heated back and forth about you taking things too far and him needing to learn to trust you. Neither one of you wanted to back down, but eventually someone had to spill their truth.

"I'm not... that clingy. And I trust you I just... I don't know," he says in an attempt to stop you from going back to the bedroom. "How do I tell you I need a little more time with you because I never really know when it'll be cut short? It's always an interview or a festival or something. I don't want you to feel that way, like I'm clingy and you can never get a fucking break or whatever.... it's just been weird. I bought this big ass house and it's only been a few weeks and you have work and friends and shit. It still feels like I'm alone on tour sometimes." He sits at a stool by the kitchen island defeatedly.

"Baby," you start delicately, remembering how sensitive he can be. "You tell me just like that," you chuckle. "I'm not gonna judge you for feeling lonely, just talk to me and I'll move around my schedule."


"Yea!" You respond, wondering if he's only felt this way recently. "We're a priority, you know that. And I'm sorry. You give me my space when I need it and I shouldn't have brought up your past, I'm just frustrated. I've been frustrated since you left for tour, you know scheduling around everything is so hard. I don't know how you do it, but I should've never said that."

He accepts your apology and gives you one too, pulling you into a long, warm hug and peppering your face with kisses. You two still had a lot of work to do with communication, but as long as you were both willing to try, you'd make it work.


Idk how I feel about this type of writing but lmk how you feel! It'll probably be a minute until I do it again. Next one may be pt 2 to this or a cute little nature walk pref <3

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