Sparks fly for Magnemite

Start from the beginning

Lexus:I agree with Brock theirs nothing she can do without power so we're gonna have to wait until this situation is settled.

Ash:Let's go. [said Ash as Joy gasps]

Pikachu:Pikachu! [said Pikachu, reaching out for Ash and the rest]

Ash:Pikachu, we'll be back when the power's back on.

Green:Until then, you need to stay here and get better.

Nurse joy:Good luck, everybody [said Nurse Joy as they took off].

PikachuChu.[Pikachu weakly said, looking at the floor]. [Ash, Green, Lexus,Misty and Brock went down to see Officer Jenny] Jenny:I'm trying to find out, but there's no answer at the power plant.

Ash:We don't have much time.

Misty:What does the power plant look like?

Jenny:You can't miss it. [said Officer Jenny and points in the direction of the power plant] It's the big building with the smokestacks there.                

Ash:All right, let's go. [said Ash when suddenly they heard something in the bushes behind them.]Huh? Pikachu:Pi....Pikachu [said Pikachu, barely walking out of the bushes].

Fern:Ivysaur! [squealed a frightened Ivysaur, seeing Pikachu out like this].

Ash:Pikachu [said Ash and Green as they all went over to the mouse].

Ash:Ah, Pikachu, you should be back at the Pokémon center.

Green:We don't want you  to get even more sick.

Pikachu:Chu [said Pikachu, shaking his head].

Ash:I don't get it.

Misty:Just think about it, Ash [Misty said to him] Pikachu's afraid we'll leave, and we won't come back.

Pikachu:Pika. [said Pikachu, nodding]

MistySee? [asked Misty

Lexus:Aww... [said Lexus].

Ash:Hmm... [said Ash] Okay, you can come along. But remember, you've got to take it easy.

Pikachu:Pikachu! [squealed Pikachu, jumping into Ash's arms and accidentally shocking him. Behind them and Officer Jenny, the magnet like Pokémon glowed its eye again. Out of the sewers, Jessie and James were catching their breaths.]

Jessie:We could have suffocated.

Meowth:The city has been plunged into darkness by a power failure.

James:A power failure, is it? I can identify with failure.

Meowth:Huh? [said Meowth as he sees Ash and the others run past the alley] There they go. Now we're in luck. We got another chance.

Jessie:For what? [She groaned].

Meowth:For finally once and for all, capturing that pesky Fern and Twerps Pokemon. Come on now! Jessie, James, let's move it!

Jessie:Give us time to rest, Meowth. [She yelled ] We nearly drowned in the stinking sewer thanks to your ridiculous plan.

James:Meowth, you nearly killed us, you dimwit.

Meowth:Guys, don't worry. This time, we've got a secret weapon that's Meowth-proof. [Chuckles]

[At the power plant, the quartet stood outside its gates]

Ash:There's the power plant.

Misty:Let's check inside.

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