The 2 greek gods

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3rd person pov:
Has the morning class end y/n and jk went to canteen...and...brought whatever they wanna have
Just the someone cought y/n's attention
"The greek gods form morning" she thought
Jk noticed it and asked her
"Who caught your eyes in them
y/n-neii"..."the tall one" y/n said unconsciously...and soon she realized what she just split...and looked at her friend with wiedend eyes and jk started laughing like crazy on how spilled  something without thinking...soon u made a done face
He stopped laughing ...
He stopped the two greek gods
And those 3 seemed to know each other
"Hey was your frist day"
The short guy asked him while both of them took place..."the classes aren't over yet..which means they didn't complete they 1st day yet jimin" the tall guy said rolling his eyes on him(jm)...
"Yea...did u just rolled ur eyes on me you alien" jimin said....the alien...ahem..the tall guy ignored him as he talked to jk "so how ur morning classes went jungkook" they were good" said jk and saw u still having a confused and curious look over ur face and chuckled at ur expression and called u "y/n...they are my family friends..this is jimin(while pointing ar short one) and this is taehyung " he said while pointing at alien..u came to ur sense and looked at them has u couldn't stop ur self from chuckling at ur own thought of alien..three of them looked at u stopped ur actions.. and said..."'s just I didn't got to know ur name at 1st and he called u was referring u has alien to myself" u said and smiled awkwardly

as it just embarrassed u at the last ...
Both jk and jimin lough at ur comment while taehyung just bite his lower lip not to smile at ur silliness but he ended up smiling...soon his smiling face turned to serious one and said "don't do that again..I'll excuse it has it's ur 1st time don't repeat it" soon u replied with a small "sure"...and he turned to jk and asked him "what did u choose has extra activity" and jk answered "arts and music hyung"...that's when u got it that these 2 greek gods r ur seniors which made embarrass even more
Jimin asked u what bout u y/n dragging u into sense and u said "I took same"...
Just then u saw Mr.choi ur pt prof. from high school u quickly turned towards jk
and told him bout that boring prof who use make u participate in every volleyball match even tho u said tell various reasons to skip...listening to asked "u guys know Mr.choi...?"...then jk added "he's high school pt prof....Y/N he's coming here as he said that u heard Mr.choi's voice taking ur name near u..u shut ur eyes close...and took a deep to clam urslef..and turned back...with lip thin smile...has he said "what did u took has ur extra circular activities" u answered him politely bout u taking arts and music..listening to u he raised his u understood what he meant and about ans him has he interrupted u by saying "join sports...u r  good at sports then y not y/n..I'll talk to ur parents" u just agreed as u know u can't argue anymore...he gave a satisfactory smile while patting ur head and went to mind his business...u rolled ur eyes as u sat on ur seat done jk laughed at ur situation..."stop laughing idiot we can't be in one class for one of the extra activity"..he stopped as u said the matter of fact...and looked at u for sec..and started laughing again..we can be in one class for one u made done face...and jm asked "so which one r u going to cancel"...and u answered without twice thought "arts".."ohh if it's the thing taehyung is president for music"...u were surprised and happy at same u guys were bout talk further...the bell rang and it's time for after noon class..everyone in the canteen begins to disperse...u too went to attend ur afternoon classes...
On y/n's side
"So wht do u think y/n" adding "about the alien...ahem...I mean tall one..."mm-hmm"
Said jk "Hmm he seems to be tough yet too soft to anyone...only if we observe tho"...."oh o...girl seems like u observed many things bout him in short period" adding "ofc...after all...he cought ur eyes"...and that's it u know where it's u said "let's hurry up kookie...we r getting late" and fasten ur pace...
On taehyung's side
"Alien...Hmm..interesting....".."what's interesting...?"asked jm..v looked at him and did a small "mm-hmm" nodding his into no..has jm continued "mmmmm.."as he know what his frnd's actions actually meant...and chuckled to himself..has he saw his frnd having tough time in being calm...
Umm that's it for today
and u guys must be thinking that
A/n said she would delay but this much
But as u see
It happend even I didn't expect that it
Will take this much time for me to update another ep
It may happen in future too
So,I'm thinking too stop it for a while
Till I myself confirm that I can update
Atleast at weekends
Singing off

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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