One Flu Over the Cuckoos

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/// End ///

Everybody, including me, took a book, and began to read through them, although I was slightly sceptical. "To win this challenge, you're gonna wanna memorize the entire contents of these textbooks... by morning." "But it's already so late!" Heather complained, completely shocked by the guidelines of this challenge. "You got that right. What med school all-nighter would be complete, without pizza?"

Unsurprisingly, Chef was the one to deliver said pizzas, and also unsurprisingly, they were all given to Owen. "Mm! That smells good!" Leshawna, just like me, was sceptical of this challenge. "It's gotta be a trick." "More like method acting! Med school interns consume 850% more pizza than the average human. So, dig in. 'Cause there's plenty more where that came from." Chef and Dad drove off, leaving us to the... 'pizza' and the books. 

"Looks okay... smells okay... tastes... incredible!" "How is this even possible!?" While everyone else was now convinced that there was nothing suspicious going on, I was practically dissecting all of the information in those textbooks. Not cause, like, I was actually interested in it, or anything. It's... yeah, it's 'cause I was suspicious.

"Uh, Lewis, don't you think you're over-evaluating this a bit?" beth questioned me, while I read through more textbooks. I glared her way for a few seconds, before responding. "Oh, 'cause you would know- No, I'm not!" I returned to the book, narrowing my eyes after that encounter.

/// Lewis ///

"Who is Beth to say that I'm over-evaluating?! Has she got, like, no clue what she's done? She's got no right to judge my interests, right? Especially after the whole incident!"

/// End ///

"Sure you don't want any pizza?" Owen questioned, taking another bite of his slice. "No. I don't want any." Well, I did, but I couldn't eat anything without feeling like I'd throw up. Being in hospital wasn't the reason why. I just... sorta couldn't. I could only have small things. "Well, that's more for me!" "Mhm." I spoke, uninterested, focused on the book.

"Hey, Beth? Do I squint when I read?" Almost instantly, Beth went red in the face, and either laughed nervously, or did something else I don't really feel comfortable with writing down. "I- I don't know. Your shirt's distracting me. Unless you..." She instantly gasped, and I knew that Justin had taken his shirt off for her. Mainly because it hit me directly in the face.

"Uh-uh... I-I'll just read the book to you, spare your beautiful eyes!" She slapped his book out of his hands, and sat up, clearing her throat. "Ahem. 'Chapter One: Anatomy.' Aha... is it getting hot in here...?" I pulled the shirt off of my face, slightly grossed out, but more annoyed than anything. "Blech."

"Hey! You know what my brothers and me did once? We had a no-hands pizza off! Haha. You should've been there." "Let's pretend I was! Here!" Izzy immediately dropped everything in her hands, which was a textbook and a handful of highlighters. They scattered all across the floor, as she got to her knees, and immediately dug her face into the pizza box, eating it like an animal. "You're... magnificent..." Owen said dreamily, as he watched her shake a slice of pizza back and forth, splattering the sauce, like everywhere.

It got in Lindsay's hair, on Justin's chest, and nearly got on me, but it seemed like Owen was way more concerned about the food. "My hair!" "My pecs!" "My pizza!" "Izzy! Stop that!" I ordered, as I made sure it didn't get on anything of mine.

/// Izzy ///

"I am SO glad to be back! I was top of my pre-med class before the RCMP started chasing me, so this should be a snap!" She snapped her fingers as she said the last word, before continuing to speak. "And Owen is just the sweetest thing ever! If he were a candy bar, he'd taste just like caramel-covered marshmallows!"

Total Drama Action (Lewis McLean)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz