Chapter 35- Simplicity

Start from the beginning

"Easy on the drinks." I screamed up noticing his glass was almost empty. He laughed and rolled his eyes.

"I'll be fine," He said.

"It seems you make it a thing to drink before your mom gets home."

"I guess I do, but I'm not drunk yet."

"Well at this rate you will be."

"I bet I wont be."

"Bet is a strong word." I yelled.

"What are you suggesting?" He smirked.

"If you're drunk by the end of tonight you're coming running with me tomorrow morning."

"Absolutely not."

"Well if you say you have nothing to worry about, what's the big deal?"

"Fine whatever. I will be enjoying my sleep tomorrow though." He said as I already turned my heal. Luke hated running and waking up early so at least this would keep him from drinking. He knew I was serious and I didn't want to have to play the 'secret hangover' game again.

Getting out of the club was just as difficult as getting in. People are always in need of socializing and talking instead of moving from A to B, which makes my movement from A to B much harder than it should.

I took out my phone and stood by the rope enjoying the air. The club was well ventilated but it was still incredibly stuffy and I hated the stuffy air. I sighed in satisfaction. This birthday was probably the only nice birthday. Contentment was new, but I felt it.

"Now what's a birthday girl doing waiting outside by herself?" I heard a deep voice from behind me say. I turned around and saw Eric smirking at me. He seemed to still enjoy big hats and half open blouse like dress shirts.

"Technically it's no longer my birthday since ten minutes." I said smiling. I was oddly jittery as he stood looking down to me.

"Well either way, you shouldn't be standing all alone. Where are your friends?" He said putting his hand just below my shoulder while nicking his head to the club.

"In one of the rooms. I just needed some air." I muttered.

"I see, I see. So how's about you and me go and enjoy a nice glass of water." He said with a hint of sarcasm.

I chuckled.

"Good idea, the boring kids drinking some water." I smiled.

"Nothing wrong with it. There are no rules on what you should and shouldn't do just because you turn a certain age." He said.

"Very true." I smiled looking up at him. I noticed that I didn't stop looking for a couple of seconds. I immediately turned my face away. I didn't want to stare. But unfortunately the term this time was indeed 'staring'. Great.

"I was kind of hoping you'd call." Eric said once we started to walk towards the entrance. A weird feeling of regret came, because I wanted to call. Or text. Or whatever it is that people do. I wanted to, but I just couldn't.

"I um,-"

"You're seeing someone, aren't you?" He asked, quite invasive.

"No, I, no I'm not." I stuttered. Stop stuttering.

A spark of hope showed up in his face as his muscles positively tensed.

"It's just very complicated. I'm really complicated." I said looking down. I was sure that I sounded as cliche as they came, and he probably wasn't interested in whatever bullshit I was ready to feed him.

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