𝟙𝟝 || We Date For A Reason

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But it turned out he had both but he just ignored it...

Hyunjin:“yeah...I'll be free, why?”

Ditching Area wasn't too much, but ditching swimming for Felix...

This dude was really in love.

Felix:“I have two morning classes to teach, so come meet me at noon and we can go on another date”

Hyunjin nodded his head and then took the box from Felix's hand and then started walking towards the cashier.

He turned around looking behind at Felix who still didn't move from his place which made Hyunjin walk to him and grab him by his wrist and start dragging him.

Hyunjin:“come on, let's go pay for those”

[At Monday]

Felix was at his desk at the teacher's long, happy with his new dyed hair and can't wait to show it Hyunjin and at the same time he was excited to see him with red hair.

"Mr.Lee... you dyed your hair and you've dressed pretty today, are you going on a blind date?"

He turned to his coworker that is a teacher which teaches history, she's been hitting on him since he joined the academy.

Felix:“uhhh, not technically but I'm meeting someone”

He answered as much as he hates her for being annoying but he can't be rude and tell her to shut up or to not talk to him because she was older than him and should respect her.

"How about you decline that and I'll invite you to a meal, just the two of us"

She's straight up rude and arrogant and doesn't know where to give up.

Felix:“I appreciate it you inviting me Ms.park but I already made a promise to go”

He gets sick of turning her down every time because Felix can't be rude to his elders. Afraid they would be lecturing him if he served in the military or not.

But Felix was Australian!!!

Ms.Park:“come on, you're rejecting me again, aren't you into people who are younger than you?”

He doesn't know what to say, so far Felix is dating two people at the same time and both of them were older than him.

Felix:“no! It's not that...I'm just...”

He couldn't explain himself here and was wordless.

It was here when the door slammed open revealing Hyunjin who walked towards Felix and held his wrist then turned to Ms.Park.

Hyunjin:“sorry Miss, but he's already taken”

Felix was happy to see his boyfriend.


Ms.Park kept looking back and forth at the two, Hyunjin was so handsome that made her forget that Felix was the one she was interested in.

Ms.Park:“is he your friend Mr.Lee?”

She didn't notice their intertwined hands.

And Hyunjin didn't like this lady because she was making Felix uncomfortable.

Hyunjin:“lixie, let go”

He dragged him out of the room and out of the school and both walked to the bus stop.

Felix:“thank you, you come right in time when she starts to cross the line”

He's glad that his boyfriend came a bit early and stole him from that place.

Hyunjin:“no problem, I did my job as a boyfriend”

Felix just blushed at what he said.

Felix:“you look handsome in red hair, I like it so much”

He took this opportunity to comment on his hair, he never saw someone so hot with red hair like Hyunjin before.

Crazy colors suit his handsome looks.

Hyunjin:“I stayed so long to choose an outfit that can come along with my haircut”

Hyunjin woke up early today, he dyed his hair and styled it and it took him almost 3 hours to just choose one outfit.

Felix:“anything you wear, will suit you”

Hyunjin:“I appreciate your compliment, so tell me where you wanna go for our fourth date?”

Felix already had a place in mind that he wanted to go with Hyunjin for their date today.

Felix:“I want to go to the beach”

How long has it been since Hyunjin last went to the beach, maybe with his family when he was in middle and high school.

Hyunjin:“a long walk on the beach... never did that with anyone before”

But he never went there with anyone except for his parents since he was an only child.

Felix:“me too and I'm looking forward to it”

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