𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝘁𝘄𝗼

Start from the beginning

"XXX-XXX-XXXX text me if when you see this ;)"

A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I read the message, feeling a flutter of excitement mixed with nervous anticipation.
Memories of the previous night flooded back,
his infectious laughter, the way his gaze never wavered from mine, and the comforting embrace when I stumbled in my drunken state.

"Maybe I should text him now,"
I murmured to myself, the butterflies in my stomach causing my feet to feel like jelly.

I unlocked my phone and began typing out a message.

"Hey Atsumu, it's me, y/n. Just wanted to say thank you for taking care of me last night. I hope I didn't cause you too much trouble."

After hitting send, I resisted the urge to anxiously await his reply. Tonight, my plan was simple: reach out with gratitude and then focus on preparing for the long day of classes awaiting me tomorrow.


A week had passed since the club event, and life had settled back into the familiar routine of a college student. Amidst lectures, assignments, and the occasional social gathering, my interactions with Atsumu had continued through text messages.

Despite his status as a volleyball star for the MSBY Black Jackals, his fame remained a distant concept to me, overshadowed by my penchant for movies, anime, kdramas, and literature.

I couldn't shake the memory of our initial meeting, where Atsumu had introduced himself with an air of confidence, only to be met with my clueless response. Though I had sensed his disappointment, I brushed it off, content to engage in casual conversation with him to pass the time. After all, I had no intentions of getting involved with someone like Atsumu—a renowned athlete known for his flirtatious nature.

As I entered the quaint café that Amira had been raving about, I spotted her waving enthusiastically from a table in the corner. Returning her greeting with a smile, I joined her, eager to catch up over a cup of coffee.

After placing our orders with the waiter, I turned to Amira, initiating conversation about her thriving flower shop business.

Listening to her speak passionately about her venture alongside her devoted boyfriend, who balanced a career as an architect with their relationship, I couldn't help but admire the depth of their commitment and shared aspirations.

Despite their success, they harbored a youthful desire to savor life's journey before committing to marriage—a sentiment I both respected and envied.

"It's great to see how well you're doing," I remarked,
genuine admiration shining in my eyes as I observed Amira's radiant smile.

Their story served as a reminder that success and happiness were attainable through hard work and unwavering support, even amidst the uncertainties of youth.

As we awaited our drinks, I found myself lost in admiration for my friend's resilience and determination, grateful for her presence in my life and the unexpected connections that continued to enrich my college experience.

"By the way Mira let's go grocery"


Navigating through the bustling crowd, I searched fervently for a shop that sold my favorite snack.

"Where is it, where is it?" I muttered under my breath, determined to satisfy my craving amidst the sea of people.

Plans to accompany Amira on a grocery run had fallen through last minute, leaving me to navigate the crowded streets alone.
With laziness creeping in, the prospect of battling the end-of-month rush at the grocery store seemed less appealing by the minute.

As I stood at the bus stop, contemplating whether to head home or brave the chaos of the grocery store solo,
my thoughts were interrupted by the sight of Atsumu approaching, engaged in lively conversation with a stunning girl by his side.

The pang of jealousy that washed over me was unexpected, catching me off guard as I observed the scene unfolding before me.

Atsumu, adorned with his trademark smile, appeared completely enthralled by the girl at his side.
She exuded confidence and beauty, her perfectly styled hair cascading over her shoulders as she leaned into Atsumu's side.
Despite my best efforts to remain unaffected, a twinge of hurt gnawed at my insides as they drew closer.

Boarding the bus, I found solace in the solitude of an empty seat, allowing myself a moment to process the unexpected surge of emotions.

A small smirk tugged at the corners of my lips as I acknowledged the familiar pattern playing out before me.

"As expected,"
I thought wryly, a hint of resignation coloring my tone.

"Just another player in the game."

Though Atsumu's charm and charisma were undeniable,
his penchant for entangling hearts seemed all too predictable.

As the bus trundled along its route, I resolved to guard my own heart against the allure of someone who thrived on the thrill of temporary connections.

𝐁𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒 | •Miya AtsumuWhere stories live. Discover now