Enemies to Lovers

18 1 0

An immediate feeling of dread washed over her body.
Getting into the cab and leaving to set, the driver for the hotel taking her was named Andrès. He was quiet and older. She savored the silence while re-reading her lines. He went through the drive-through for the coffee desperately needed Cassie told him to order himself one too, she didn't have the money to be throwing it around like she was but she needed some good karma to come her way plus he looked like he needed it. She had to persist a few times but he ordered one for himself too. Two black coffees one iced and one hot, at least the order stayed the same. Once she arrived she was met with Jonas both of them waving off Andrès and got into her chair for hair and makeup.

Quiet today?

Thank you for the hotel, it's really a dream come true...

It's not a problem

She could tell he knew something was off but he couldn't question her more right now, his phone was ringing. He picked up the phone and a smile lit over his whole face with animated movements. Cassie could only watch on as he spoke, make-up artists and hair stylists crowding her view.

I told you!
Send those to me and to every other newspaper- website- shit post it on Tumblr

Cassie was done with hair and makeup and now just needed to go to the wardrobe when Jonas ended his phone call.

Wait wait-

He pulled her hand his eyes lit up looking at her like she was his favorite sweet at the candy store

Do you know who that was?



I don't-

The media!!
Twitter! Someone posted you with Drew on the night of the dinner...

He pulls out his phone showing a photo of them after running out of the cab together his arm over her body and their laughing. Then swipes his phone over to a few more of the same moment, the last couple where all the cast were standing together going into the club.

Where did you get these?

She sounded a bit distressed while Jonas was confused but still happy

Why are upset about this?
This is great!?
Everyone is asking who you are and trying to look you up on everything!
Three articles even put the headline Drews's new mystery woman!

This is a bit far you think?
Dating rumors?!?

Money going to be good on this Cas, once we put out promotional content talking about how we found you the media will be obsessed!!!
This is a good thing a swear.


She sounded unsure and left Jonas to get dressed, he looked so happy but she wasn't. She didn't know the consequences yet.

The moment she was dreading the most, she got onto the bus. Drew stared into her soul, she was frozen in place until she felt a tug on her pants. She looked down to see Madelyn Cline pulling her into the seat next to her.

Hey girl

Where's Madi?

The girls peered over the seats to see Madison sitting next to JB talking to Chase

Talking to the enemy

She said it with a laugh and a smile then sat back down

So why is he the enemy...?

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