39. Brook

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"This next song is very close to us," Jacob said as the crowd screamed in excitement, "we actually wrote this song last week on our way here."

"It's a song that most of you will relate to," I spoke. We had talked to Brayden and asked if we could sing the song we wrote for him at our last concert and he was more than happy and said that we could. "We wrote this song for a friend of ours who recently lost his best friend."

"Hold your lights up," Jacob spoke as he played his guitar, the soft chords echoing through the building as the fans quieted down all hosing their lights, illuminating the dark room. "This is for Jonah Carlson, this Gold Forever."

The audience held their lights up high, creating a sea of glowing orbs as the opening notes of the song filled the air. As we sang the heartfelt lyrics, we could see the emotion on the faces of the fans as they connected with the song. It was a special moment, knowing that we were able to honor our friend and provide comfort to those who were also grieving.

As the chorus swelled, the energy in the room became electric, and we could feel the love and support from the crowd. Brayden, who had lost his best friend, stood in the front row with tears in his eyes. It was a bittersweet moment, but we could see that our music was providing him with a sense of solace.

After we finished the song, the crowd erupted into cheers and applause. It was a performance that would stay with us forever, a reminder of the power of music to bring people together and heal hearts. As we walked off stage, we knew that this song had touched the hearts of our fans in a way that we could have never imagined. And as we hugged Brayden, we knew that our tribute to his friend had brought some comfort to his grieving heart.

Tory and Brayden were in front row with tears streaming down their faces as we sang the song that we had written for their lost friend. I walked over to the stage and sat down and reached for their hands.

"'Cause we are butterflies, butterflies, we were meant to fly
You and I, you and I, colors in the sky
When the innocence is dead and gone
These will be the times we look back on"

Jacob walked over and stood behind me as he played the chords to the song as he looked down at his little sister and boyfriend as they silently cried along to the song.

"We're standing in a light that won't fade
Tomorrow's coming, but this won't change
'Cause some days stay gold forever
The memory of being here with you
Is one I'm gonna take my life through
'Cause some days stay gold forever"

Jacob sang before he sat down beside me and reached his hand for his sister before giving her hand a gently squeeze. Jacob sat his guitar down giving the band the cue to pick up where he had left off.

"I won't, I won't let your memory go
'Cause your colors, they burn so bright
Who knows, who knows what tomorrow will hold?
But I know that we'll be alright"

The crowd held up their lights as the music filled the air. The song was a beautiful tribute to Brayden's friend, capturing the emotions of loss and the enduring memory of a friendship. As we sang the heartfelt lyrics, I could see tears in some of the audience members' eyes.

I looked at Jacob who smiled and threw his arm over my shocker pulling me against him before pressing a kiss to my temple. After the song ended, the crowd erupted into applause, touched by the heartfelt performance.

As the song came to an end, the crowd erupted into applause, their support and empathy for Jonah evident in their cheers. Brayden, and Tory who were sitting the front row, wiped away a tear as they mouthed a silent "thank you" to us.

After the concert, we were approached by a young man who introduced himself as Jonah's brother. He thanked us for honoring his brother in such a beautiful way and expressed how much it meant to their family. We knew then that the song had touched many hearts that night.

As we left the stage, we knew that "Gold Forever" would always hold a special place in our hearts. It was a reminder of the power of music to heal and bring people together, and a tribute to the lasting impact of friendship and love.


As we got ready to head to the airport as today was our last tour in the US before starting our European leg of tour, I logged onto Twitter to see that it was blowing up with countless notifications all about how Gold Forever was their favorite song and how they can relate to it.

I was blown away by the overwhelming response from our fans and couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for all the support we had received over the years. As we arrived at the airport, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face, knowing that our music had touched so many people in such a profound way. I showed Jacob, our parents, Brayden and Tory, the overwhelming support and love the song had received and all the comments by fans telling us how the song had touched them and how they felt as if their loved ones were there with them.

As we boarded the plane and settled into our seats, I couldn't shake the feeling of gratitude and pride. We were living our dream, traveling the world and sharing our music with people who connected with it on such a deep level.

The European leg of the tour was going to be a whole new adventure, with new cities to explore and new fans to connect with. I couldn't wait to step out onto the stage and perform Gold Forever, knowing that it held a special place in the hearts of so many people.

As the plane took off and we headed towards our next destination, I felt a sense of excitement and anticipation for what was to come. The journey was far from over, and I couldn't wait to see where our music would take us next.

"Ready to sing your heart out Friday night?" Jacob asked and I grinned before nodding.


We had been on tour for the past few months, and each performance had been better than the last. The energy of the crowd and the connection we felt with our fans was unlike anything else. Tomorrow night we were set to perform at a huge music festival in a new city, and I knew it was going to be epic.

As we landed and made our way to our London house, the anticipation continued to build. I couldn't wait to be back in stage and sing to our fans.

"Mama," Grayson called and I smiled as I picked him up before pressing a kiss to his forehead, "hungry."

"Then let's get you fed." I replied, as we all made our way to the kitchen. I quickly whipped up a meal for Grayson while Jacob prepared Hina's bottle. Our parents, siblings and Brayden had also joined us and we all sat down to enjoy some family time before the craziness of the tour started. As we ate, we chatted about the upcoming shows and the excitement in the air was palpable.

After dinner, I tucked Grayson into bed and then sat down at the piano to work on some new songs. Jacob joined me a moment later after having put shins down for bed.  The melodies flowed effortlessly as I poured my heart and soul into the music. I couldn't wait to share these new creations with our fans.

The next day, we had a meeting with our tour manager to go over the final details. Everything was falling into place and I couldn't be more thrilled. The buzz of the city and the energy of being back in London filled me with a sense of purpose and determination.

As the tour kicked off, each show was more electrifying than the last. The energy of the crowd fueled us as we performed our hearts out night after night. The fans sang along and danced, making each performance unforgettable.

As the tour came to an end, I felt a surge of gratitude for all the incredible experiences we had shared. I couldn't wait to do it all over again. As we boarded the plane back home, I knew that this was just the beginning of many more amazing adventures to come.

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