Love You [Pt.2]

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Naru doesn’t even attempt to create a makeshift gurney, because she knows there is no way she will be able to drag his weight more than a few steps, let alone back through the forests and to his flying palace. The first thing she does (without the help of any medicine on her) is to try to stop his bleeding. She goes for the two deepest wounds first, where the smaller beast had impaled him.

She hurriedly gathers as much bamboo as she can find, skinning the shoots and twisting them to make a rope. She huffs when her breaches slip down, uses the now bloody green dagger he gifted to her to make herself a belt. She then darts back over to her mupitz and sets the rope down beside her as she kneels down beside his head.

His breaths are shallow, but he does still breathe, which makes her panic a little less and focus a lot more.

Naru shoves her hair over her shoulder as she leans down to slip one of her arms under his. She pulls his arm up, resting it along her front as she begins to coil the rope around his shoulder and over his wound. She tugs it tight enough to stop any clots, but is careful not to stop his circulation when she cuts the rope and ties the knot. She lays his arm down and shuffles along the dead leaves, down to his middle. She sucks in a sharp breath when she finally takes the details of his wounds in properly. Along with the sword wound in his gut, his chest has four long slashes splayed across it.

Naru forces the lump in her throat away and glares weakly at him as she mumbles, “I forgave you for my brother, mupitz. You were just doing what you have always done, and you owed me nothing. But...if you die on me now, because of that pauk-de, I will never forgive you...” She trails off when her bottom lip trembles and ignores the pain from the throbbing cut the involuntary movement causes.

She huffs, blinks away her unshed tears, bites at her lip harshly, and picks up the rest of the rope. She shuffles back a little, slowly leans down to try to thread both the rope and her arm under his back. She pauses when she spots a small black box strapped to the back of his belt. She doesn’t know why until she opens the box up, but something in her heart and mind tells her to reach for it and do so. She gasps in both shock and relief at what she finds inside.

She chuckles quietly, smiles faintly as she glances back to him and mostly notes to herself, “Of course. This must be how you healed me.”

Naru sets the box down, but her smile melts away and hers eyes slowly widen in a panic again when she realises she has no idea how to use any of these tools.

She knows the wrong vial could easily kill him, so, without even hesitating, she plucks them out, one at a time, carefully unscrews each lid and fucking dips her finger in to taste. She’s highly aware that this is a bad idea, so, of course, she tries to take a little from each as possible.

The first two seem to do nothing at all, only tasting bitter and foul. She grimaces and spits them out. The third, she doesn’t even get to touch, because when she opens it, the substance steams and sizzles. She places that one back in the box carefully.

Then, finally, she gets to the substance as clear as water. It’s nowhere near as bitter tasting as the first two, and when she presses her finger to the tip of her tongue, she instantly feels numb and tingly.

She takes a deep breath, her head dizzying for a moment before she feels wide awake. Her heart skips happily, not too fast, and she stares at the vial in wonder while slowly reaching for the needle like gun. She shoves the vial in after a few seconds of trying to figure out, then, takes a deep breath and hopes with all her heart that this will work.

Her nerves cause her to recheck her pockets for any left of orange totsiyaa. She huffs when she finds none, just like when she looked ten minutes ago...

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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