Come From Way Above

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Naru strips the beast of its metal mask and takes in the details. It’s nothing like bone mask of the first beast she fought. It’s much heavier, and when Naru places it over her head, it doesn’t active anything at all. She cannot work it, and doesn’t have time to figure out how to when she suddenly hears the shrieking roar of one of the other two beasts close by.

Naru huffs quietly, and quickly goes back to her other findings instead.

The wrist blade she takes from the beast’s corpse is just about light enough for her as she straps it to her own wrist and yanks up her tomahawk. The sword she finds strapped to it’s back when she manages to roll it over onto it’s front is also much too large for her to carry. Though, she does try to, she can barely lift its weight.

Naru huffs, a little disappointed at not being able to take such a powerful weapon with her. With any luck, she thinks, she’ll slay the other two beasts and be able to take all of their weapons and gadgets. But for now, she must stay away from her people. Though, being their leader means they’ll soon come looking for her, which means, she’ll need to slay the beasts by sunrise.

Naru takes on her new mission with more ease than makes her feel at ease with herself. It’s a fucked up little paradox in her mind that she’s been struggling with for over a decade now, and it’s truly absurd to her when she has so much responsibility already, but she finally feels like she has a purpose again after so long. She loves her children with everything she has, but soon, they will be grown and looking for their own families and life to start without her.

Naru takes a deep breath, takes a moment to check she can work these new wrist daggers, and then, turns to give the beast one last look as she tells it, “This is as far as you go. No more. This is it.”

At the sound of another closer shriek, Naru dips into her pocket for some more orange totsiyaa, knowing in her battle she’s already burned it out of her blood. She quickly crushes the petals and shoves them into her mouth before taking off in the direction of the shrieks.


He takes off after her. He’s staying as close to her as he can without her actually noticing him. He shouldn’t need to worry about that, but his dhi’ke-de learns quickly, he remembers that well. How expertly she adapts under pressure. Seemingly, the more pressure, the more expertly she does. She’s no different than his kind. No different from him.

Even The Elders themselves have seen that.

His dhi’ke-de is the first ever ooman to defeat a hish-qu-ten. To defeat one of his kind is seen as the greatest honour in their culture. And The Elders respect her defeat of him especially, so much so that they have sent him to give her The Warrior’s Mark.

But the ic’jits (bad bloods), he hadn’t anticipated being here. He’s still wondering whether or not to make a call to The Elders and ask them just what the fuck is going on. They never mentioned the ic’jits, but Elders being Elders, they are supposed to know all things, are they not?

Then again, he’s lucky he’s even been given this second chance. He’s not technically afraid of pushing his luck, he’s just not stupid enough to...yet.

He shimmers behind the tree just feet from her when she suddenly halts. He stares, watching her with intrigue and some anticipated excitement. He still remembers the way she slaughtered those male oomans in their own camp site. He still remembers watching her cover herself in their blood as she swept through them. She was sloppy, but overly efficient, and he remembers how watching her kill made his cock rapidly harder than he can ever remember it being in his entire life.

He pulls back just enough to keep the shimmer of his cloak reflecting any moonlight as she swirls around and glares into the darkness. She’s staring right at him. She doesn’t see him, but he knows she feels him, feels something. Her instincts are still as sharp as a blade. He’s both impressed and weirdly proud. And if he could smirk in the way that oomans do, he would, while he backs away silently and begins to climb just as silently up the tree.

Come From Way Above [Feral Predator&Naru]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें