Bo pauses, seems to take in her words when his eyes snap to hers and he stares calmly back at her before nodding when she finally says, “Kill him, my great warrior.”


Always with his pauking luck—now would be the time she makes him feel all pyode on the inside (as kiande [hard] as she makes him on the outside.) Causing this pauk-de hish-qu-ten to pause just to taunt.

Another moment between him and his little dhi’ke-de ruined because of this ic’jit pauk.

Another thing he won’t let go.

“Great warrior?” Guan can’t help laughing. “Is that what she thinks you are, young thwei [blood]?”

Bo glares back at him, voice a dark warning when he says, “Whatever you do to her, I will do to you in tenfold.”

Guan pretends to shiver in fright. “Chilling.” He chuckles, then, shakes his head and says, “Really, young thwei? I’m twice your age. You got lucky with my brothers. They were never the smartest.”

Bo tilts his head smirking when his little dhi’ke-de suddenly bites into her capturer’s hand. He quickly grabs her arm when she rushes over to him, tugs her to stand behind him.

Guan growls as he shakes his now bloody hand. “I will enjoy taming your little ooman-di.”

Bo snarls low, shoulders tensing as he reaches for his longsword. “You will try.”

Guan scoffs as he reaches for his own longsword while watching the young thwei gently shoving the ooman-di back. He watches her back up as she glares defiantly at him and can’t help to pause to chuckle and taunt again. “I must admit...she does smell so inviting. I can see why you like her.” His eyes drift down to her naked thighs. He cackles when the young thwei snarls and attacks first.

Guan brings his sword up to block the blow, easily holding the strength and weight to taunt him with, “After I kill you, I think I’ll have a little taste for myself.”

Even though he already knew what this pauk-de’s intentions where with his little dhi’ke-de, Bo still feels unfathomable rage bubbling up inside of him. Powerful enough to shove the hish-qu-ten back before slicing his hand off. He kicks up the other longsword, taking the moment the hish-qu-ten shrieks in pain to pry his detached hand from the hilt of his weapon. Now, with two swords, Bo forces the other back as he swipes and stabs.

He has the upper hand for now. But he can already tell this hish-qu-ten has a lot more experience as he effortlessly dodges and slides out of reach of each attack. Even in his pain, his moves are quick and graceful, and entirely pissing Bo off as he tries to land another blow.

And just as he feared, the hish-qu-ten pauses just to boast at him with, “You may be bigger than me, desert rat, but I’m an ex pauking Elite.”

And just as he knows all Elites are as egotistical as he is hot-headed, Bo smirks and scoffs as he replies with, “I have never heard of you, ic’jit.”

As predicted, Guan snarls in protest with, “It doesn’t matter. You’ll be dead in a few moments.”

Bo chortles quietly, glances down at the other sword in his hand and then glances to the other hish-qu-ten’s bloody wrist stump before he counters with, “Well then, I will meet you on the other side...”

Guan launches himself as Bo pays him back in kind, turning at the last moment, swirling out of the way before slicing a good portion of his tendrils off all the way up to the skull. Guan’s head is thrown back in a roar of pain. He whimpers pitifully, quickly turning with a snarl of anger when he hears the ooman-di snorting out a laugh.

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