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A/N: Platonic yandere, again. 
Really important TW for this chapter. Mentions of suicide and self harm! If you are sensitive to this kind of material please be careful or read something else. Nothing will be incredibly detailed but it will be there.

You sat silently in the admittance waiting room as your aunt and uncle finished up signing the papers. They were effectively signing away guardianship to the psychiatric hospital you were being admitted to, the fifth one by the way.

Your aunt and uncle had tried their best but ultimately were done with trying to help you. It was better to leave you in this place and forget you even existed. They didn't even seem to care about how sketchy it was here. They had to sign away their rights to admit you? Didn't that raise any red flags?

"Y/N?" You looked up to see a man holding a clip board. He smiled at you and you stood up following him deeper into the building. You didn't try to look back at your aunt and uncle one last time.

"My name is Brandon. I'll be your nurse during your time here. You'll meet your doctor, Dr.Raymond as soon as I get you settled into your room. From there, we'll make sure you feel comfortable here." You didn't answer him. You were still tired from your hospital visit earlier that day.

Eventually you were led to a small single room. It only had the bare minimum, similar to the other hospitals you'd been at. There was a bed in one corner, probably bolted to the floor with flimsy sheets that retained no warmth. There was a window, it probably didn't open at all, with no curtains. There were a few bookshelves, some having little cloth baskets in them.

"For your clothes." Brandon explained with a smile. You didn't have any clothes besides what you were wearing so that seemed unnecessary. Next to that was an attached bathroom with no door. It had weirded you out at the first psych ward but now you just accepted it.

You tentatively sat on the bed, scrutinizing Brandon who was scribbling something down on his clip board. When he noticed you watching him he gave you a big smile. You frowned at him, glaring back. There was a knock at the door and Brandon happily opened it.

"Hello there, Y/N. Welcome to the Rainbow Hill's Self Care Retreat. I will be your doctor, Raymond." You looked at the man, your supposed doctor. He was a little older than Brandon, maybe mid 30s. He wasn't interesting, all you wanted to do was sleep.

As both of them smiled at you, you could already tell you were going to hate it here.


"Can you tell me about your family?" Raymond asked. It had been a couple weeks since you'd arrived and you were just starting to let Raymond and Brandon in a little.

"They're dead. Been dead for three years." You shrugged, sinking into the small therapy couch.  You could really go for a nap right now.

"So you were 11 when they died correct?"

"No. I had just turned 12." Brandon scribbled something on his clip board from the corner of the room.

"Would you say their deaths had a major impact on how you viewed the world?" Raymond asked. 

"Not really. They weren't around much anyway. They spent all of their free time with my younger siblings, I was the oops baby test kid." You admitted. Brandon frowned as he added something else to his notes.

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that." Raymond frowned. "Did their deaths have an impact on how you treated yourself or have any impact on your attempts on your life?"

You were about to answer when his phone buzzed, an alarm going off. Your session was over. You practically jumped up in relief, heading for the cafeteria with Brandon on your heels. It was a Friday which meant they would have the good deserts. You were not missing dessert day. 


"The paperwork is already in the process of being filed." Raymond informed Brandon as the both enjoyed some wine in Raymond's office. It was the end of a long day and you'd already been escorted back to your room.

"That's amazing. You think Annie will accept it easily?" Annie was the founder of Rainbow Hills, the mastermind behind this whole place. It was a legal way, albeit through several loopholes, to help kids with severe depression and similar conditions. The signing away of guardianship at the beginning of the stay ensured the kids could be placed with happy and stable families who could appropriately care for them, once they started to show improvement.

"She already agreed to expedite it. By next week, at the latest, we'll be the legal guardians of one Y/N L/N." Raymond grinned. He'd been waiting for this moment since he first became your doctor. You were so sleepy that day and it was the most adorable thing he'd seen. Brandon also loving you had sealed the deal.

The second the paperwork went through and you were mentally well enough he'd take you away from here. He was sure you'd love living with them full time. You could even help to decorate your new bedroom. You'd never want to leave them. Ever.

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