And this time, Naru gasps loudly in both horror and fear as the shimmer is no longer a shimmer, but a blood covered monster...

The first word that springs to mind is ‘mupitz’, just like she told her brother and his idiot friends (but they didn’t listen, like always.)

Naru finally shoves her ass into action. She hauls herself over the rubble of the damn before diving headfirst into the deeper part of the river.


He doesn’t understand.

He barely understands why her dia-shui [musk; scent] is so inviting to him.

He definitely doesn’t understand why after saving her life and showing off his strength to her, that she still runs from him.

He stands there, still enjoying the feel of the blood of his victory running all over him, bathing him in his latest glory. He’s standing there with the almost worthy beast above his head, staring after the little ooman-di as she lets the currents sweep her away from him.

He lets her go of course, because prey is not what he is here for. He is no predator on this mission.

The Great Hunt for all hish-qu-ten who qualify to be warriors is solely just to hunt. The fun of sport is just the bonus. But in this hunt, he needs worthy opponents alone if he wishes to prove himself worthy to The Elders.


He doesn’t understand why he takes an interest.

It’s not like he hasn’t shared a mate recently. Something of a ritual, he makes sure do so each time he leaves his home world. It helps him focus more.

And he was very much focused.

Until now...

He tilts his head, staring curiously after her as she turns a sharp corner of the river and finally vanishes from his sight.

Maybe he will check this new interest of his after he’s done hunting for any worthy champions of this planet.

(...His cock says much more than a maybe just a few days later when she’s stabbing him in the eye with his own tusk...)

(Until then) He decides the curious little ooman-di with the enticing new dia-shui is worth checking out now.

He’s in no rush to go after her though, as he takes a minute to slice the beast’s head off. He sets the head on a stone and pulls out the can of disintegrating gas. He watches with satisfaction as the flesh shrivels back until all that’s left is the beast’s skull. He hooks the skull to his belt, along with the few other smaller ones he’s already collected from this planet before finally following after her.

He tracks her easily, following her dia-shui down the river until it veers off to the small embankment. He makes his way into the forests surrounding and it’s not long before he hears the sound of ooman voices.

By the tones alone he picks up, it sounds like an argument.

He glances upwards, pinpointing each treetop thick enough to support his weight before he finds the nearest and starts his effortless climb. He moves slowly and quietly, leaping from a each tree top, hearing the voices getting louder. And finally, he pauses when his eyes find her again.

And, oh, how magnificently feisty she is...

She’s fighting with a small group of oomans. They’re shoving her around between their little circle, and the only reason he doesn’t gut them all in that second where they stand is because he wants to see how she moves.

Come From Way Above [Feral Predator&Naru]Where stories live. Discover now