She's On The Dark Side

Bắt đầu từ đầu

“Pauk yourself.”

“Oh, I do.”

Bo’thuiarll snorts, but refuses to show real amusement when he’s still so pauked off.

Paya ‘Aseigan is fully intrigued as he asks, “Do you think she will join you on your Great Hunt?”

Bo’thuiarll shrugs.

Paya ‘Aseigan rolls his eyes and shakes his head at his friend’s typical moodiness. “Well, of course, if she survives along with you, you are both welcome home when you are done. Maybe you could visit in between then, and I could meet this ooman-di of yours.”

Bo’thuiarll simply huffs out a maybe in response before cutting the connection.

Sundown is just a few moments away now, and he then straps his armour on before making his way out of his ship.

His little dhi’ke-de is already standing there and waiting for him. He walks over to meet her at the treeline and is happy to see she’s brought the spear he gave to her. Though, he does wait and stare curiously at her when he sees the stern and rather uneasy look on her face.

She glances around, and he can’t help doing the same, looking for danger just in case, too. And then, she’s holding the spear out to him with both hands, but she’s not completely handing it over, her hands still gripping it tight. He tilts his head and sees her mouth twitch before she forces on a glare and says, “I know you come from a different place, far, far away from humans. But...not all of us are killers... So...please... I also know you don’t kill just anything, you have a code, you have some honour, at least... D-Don’t you?”

He stifles a laugh for the inside joke he shares with himself and for Paya ‘Aseigan, who fought very hard to drill such notions into his brain as a spawnling when he was already as bloodthirsty as he is to this day.

Still, he bows his head once in a firm nod.

She lets out a breath of relief and something else, and he realises she’s still afraid of him. Just a little. He should have realised that sooner, considering how smart he knows she is.

And she is smart to be afraid of him. She still doesn’t know why he’s really here.

And that’s his fault.

Just like pissing her off is.

He huffs and decides to start again—

He reaches into his pouch for the beads of the ooman, and kneels down to bury it beneath the dirt. He pats the soil down and rises to his feet to see her now staring with an expression as pyode as her very flesh.

(Cjit–he’ll have to dispose of the ooman’s skull and spine before she ever sees them.)


Naru lowers her arms with the spear slowly, staring at him as he stares back down at her.

She doesn’t know anything of his own culture and traditions, but apart from the love of brutality, she doesn’t see much difference (even then, she’s seen enough violence from man to know they could challenge these beasts.)

She takes a deep breath, takes a small step back so she can look up at him without craning her neck. “ will leave my village and its people alone... Yes?” She’s careful in not sounding angry, more firm, but still pleading and hopeful, because if he doesn’t agree to that, she must end him again.

Only this time, she doesn’t want to.

And that’s the fucking problem...

Or...maybe it isn’t...

Come From Way Above [Feral Predator&Naru]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ