Naru steps over to the back wall lined with various skulls and spines. Most of them are twice or even three times the size of any mountain lion or bear she has seen. One skull takes up a good chunk of the ceiling, the only one set on the floor while the others are hung to the wall. She dares not to touch any, in fear of insulting him somehow. Still, she’s curious when she spots a skull barely the size of her fist.

She chuckles, walks over to point at it as she asks him, “Was this one really necessary, great warrior?” She arches a brow over her shoulder, throwing a teasing smirk at him. His eyes narrow slightly, and she chuckles as she turns back to look at the rest.

He suddenly stalks over to her, slow but always with purpose. She turns to face him, watching curiously as he lifts both arms and begins tapping a finger all over his wrist band. Her eyes light up in even more amazement when a tiny glowing image suddenly projects from the band.

Naru gasps softly, eyes wide in awe as she leans in to get a closer look. The image looks solid, but when she reaches out to touch it, her hand goes straight through. She gasps again, grinning up at him. The small image that seems completely made up of light is shaped into a small black furry creature. It looks like a small fox cub, only, it has two tails and four ears and one big eye redder than skies she’s seen at dusk. And for a few moments, she’s simply smiling at how adorable the creature is.

Mupitz chortles beside her, and when she sees his small eyes lit with amusement, Naru is glaring as she straightens her back and mutters, “What? It’s cute.”

Mupitz scoffs lightly, reaching up to press a finger just once over his wrist band. And Naru’s eyes widen in utter horror then when the small black creature suddenly opens it’s mouth and arms like octopus sprout from it’s gullet and it lets out a deep and beastly roar.

“Oh!!!” She backs away quickly, shooting him a withered glare when he finally takes the image away and fucking laughs at her again.

Maybe he just came here to taunt her.

Naru doesn’t know why she wants to smile at that absurd thought.

She snaps her head back to the tiny skull she taunted him for, now staring warily at it even as she says, “My youngest son would love this place.” She rolls her eyes, but is smiling fondly when she says, “He thinks you are the greatest thing to ever walk this earth.”


Ah, yes, the youngest is already his favourite. Such a big spirit in such a little creature.

He has watched, highly entertained and amused at the tiny ooman running around with a small boned mask of his own while trying to frighten the other spawnlings of his village.

He feels the odd fondness (odd, because he’s only ever felt fondness for his offspring) as he watches her continue her curious look around his ship. He thinks he feels that strange tightness in his chest again. He definitely knows he feels his cock twitching again at the sight of her fingers running carefully over the Elder Blade, hung up on the mantle just underneath the wall of the stone portrait of Paya and her legion of death.

He sees her finally take notice of the hish-qu-ten’s decapitated head, still waiting for him to clean and present to her, sitting over on the workbench. He watches her walk over to it, watches her bend down to get a closer look.

He’s slightly surprised; caught off guard when she turns her head with an odd little smile and asks him, “Why do you look so different to the others?”

He turns his body fully to face her, letting her look at him as she straightens up and turns to face him first. He holds on to a happy little rumble when he sees her eyes so blatantly flicker up and down his form and hears her heart tick up a speed (and not in fear...)

Come From Way Above [Feral Predator&Naru]Where stories live. Discover now