Day 8: Getting 'em Together (Gini)

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Requested by: unicorn-girl14

A bit fast paced, in my opinion (at least by the actual end)

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A bit fast paced, in my opinion (at least by the actual end). But fast paced works for Gini in my opinion! Hope you all like! I still have 13 slots of requests left!

Ashlyn's POV
It's so clear that Gina likes Nini. And though I don't talk to her as much, since Gina literally lives with me, I think Nini likes her too.

"Ricky. We have to get them together." I told him at rehearsal that day.

"Facts. They're literally so cute, yet so oblivious. They're acting like...boys."

"Truest statement ever, Richard." I patted his shoulder. Let's get the gang together to make a plan.


The next day at lunch, we were still trying to form a definite plan, but we all got their fast, the first step being leaving only two seats beside each other left for them.

Not so surprisingly, the two did not refuse to sit together, and happily obliged.

And then they raked to each other. Only each other.


"Sleepover this weekend?" Gina prompted me at the end of lunch.

"Sure! All the girls at our place tomorrow at five!"

Gina's POV (Saturday night)
I can't sleep. I don't know why, maybe with everyone else being here, but I can't. Maybe a walk will help?

Meh, might as well.

I zipped up my sweatshirt, not even having my own winter coat. I stayed here pretty unexpectedly this year, not packing a coat.

"Gina?" I heard echoing down the street.

"Neen?" The nickname just slipped out, but she smiled warmly.

"What are you doing out here, Gigi?"

"I...can't sleep." I said looking at her. How does she look so good after just waking up?

"Thanks." She replied, blushing. "But for the record, you look wonderful." She whispered. "Come on, I'll try and help you fall asleep, how's that?"

"S-sure." I whispered, shivering.

"You're gonna freeze out here." She noted. "Put this on. We're almost back, I'll be fine." She handed me her jacket, and I gratefully accepted it, knowing she wouldn't let me reject it.

"Sorry if I woke you."

"You didn't, don't worry. I had to go to the bathroom, and noticed you gone. I was worried, and besides, it wouldn't matter. You are important, more than a perfect eight plus hours."

"Thanks, Neen."

"Don't worry about it." She clutched my hand, and I...didn't hate it.


"I shouldn't go back up there. I'll be all noisy and ruckus, I'll just stay on the couch. You go, I should be fine."

"Nope. We'll stay down here together."


"I'd never joke about staying with you. We're not gonna leave you like others, Gina. Never again."


"What do you look for in a person that you like?" I heard the the smaller girl asks me from a few feet away.

"I like girls. Just girls." I suddenly blurted.

"Yeah? I like boys and girls, I get it, I promise."

"I know you do. Thank you...for accepting me."

"Always." Nini said.



"Have you ever liked someone and thought it was absolutely impossible for them to like you back?"

"Yes. But how do you really ever know?"

"I guess you can't, unless you truly believe you're not good enough."

"Do you really believe that about yourself, Nini.'re stunning. Your intelligent and gorgeous and so well spoken and courageous. You're an inspiration. Nini...are we just friends- hmph!"

They pulled away from a rather intense and desperate kiss, while it was also sweet and passionate.

"I don't think we're just friends." Nini whispered breathlessly.

"Yes!" Ashlyn and Kourtney fist bumped from the stairs.

And it was only the 8th. Who knew what might happen before Christmas!

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