Pyrokinetic (Jolie POV)

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So Jolie knew what she had to do.

She had to tell Brant that she knew the truth, that she loved him no matter what, and to beg him to walk away from the dangerous game he was playing.

To give him one last chance to see reason.

But for the first time, she was unsure of him. She didn't know what he'd do when he found out. Would he leave her? Would he choose his pyrokinesis over her? Or would he go with her to the Black Swan and seek to incite change on the right side with the right methods?

So it was with some intense trepidation that she leapt to his house.

And the way his eyes widened in surprise and his face broke out into a huge grin when he saw her made her wonder if she'd made some sort of mistake.

"I didn't expect to see you today," he told her as he stepped aside to let her in. Then his arms wrapped around her. "It's definitely a good surprise though."

Jolie smiled. This was the Brant she knew and loved. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on tight. "I've missed you. I just had to see you today."

Before he could say another word, she kissed him.

And clung to him.

But then she started to cry.

"Jolie, what's—"

But she shook her head, let out a little sob, and clung tighter to him, kissing him fiercely.

When they broke apart, he looked at her with suspicion in his eyes.

He gently reached up and wiped her tears, sending a shudder through her at how warm his touch was—why hadn't she noticed that?—and asked, "can I ask what has you so upset, and why that kiss felt strangely like some sort of a goodbye?"

Jolie knew him well enough to see that his eyes were very guarded.

She took a shaky breath. "I love you."

Brant sighed. "You're ignoring my question."

"Please, Brant," she begged. "Please tell me you love me."

Brant ducked his head down and kissed her again. "Jolie, of course I love you. You know I do. Now tell me what's wrong."

She wasn't an Empath, but she could tell by Brant's expression and tone of voice that he was anxious and even a little bit angry.

Which meant he probably suspected that she'd figured out the truth.

Reminding herself to be bold, but also to cut him some slack, she took both his hands in hers, looked him in the eye, and said, "you should've told me you were a Pyrokinetic."

Anger immediately took over as his primary emotion as he let go of her and narrowed his eyes. "What, so you could tell me to stop using the ability? To deny myself the call of the flames and eventually start to lose my mind because of it?"

"No," Jolie answered honestly. She'd given it a lot of thought. "I would have asked you to try to submit to the Council by telling them you'd manifested, and we could begin petitioning that they lift the ban on pyrokinesis. But you didn't do that."

"Of course I didn't," he said harshly. "Because that never would have worked. It's going to take something far more drastic. I thought you of all people would agree with me on that. Aren't you always going on about how outdated and archaic the matchmaking system is?"

"That's different," Jolie argued. "I'm not going around leaving threatening messages and attacking humans because I don't like what the matchmakers are doing."

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