Senior year! Isaac and I both already finished high school through our GED. Still, I can't help but think that we will never experience the scribe night, the graduation ceremony, or the senior prom. Not that I was super close with the people at the school, but I guess it is right of passage that I will miss.

"Hey Lexi, all good? You seemed like you were miles away!" asked Isaac, who had just shown up out of nowhere, and I can't deny that my heart made a summersault.

"Yes, all good. I was thinking, that's all!"

"About what?"

"Senior you regret that soon your friend will start the senior year and you will be here?"

"The only place I want to be is where you are. So, no, I don't regret missing senior year if that means I can spend the rest of my life with you," he was dead serious.

I could see how honest his gaze was when I realized he was just mere inches away from me. He was so close that I thought he would kiss me for a minute, but then he shook his head.

"I promised you I would not push you, but angel, it is so damn hard not being able to have you in my arms and kiss you!"

I was so surprised by his outburst of emotions that I was tempted to tell him I was ready to date again, but then images of him walking out on me the night of the concert when I was in shock stopped me.

A few weeks passed after that encounter, and Isaac kept his distance. He is trying to maintain his promise, and being close to me won't help him.

"Girl, you are killing that poor man. Can you please, pretty please, step out of your scare zone and give him another chance?" said my dear Mauro. "Listen, I have been talking with him, and he regrets his actions. Isaac wants to show you how much he loves you. He constantly looks for little details to let you know you are in his mind. You should see his latest paintings, all about his angel, of course. Come on, you are as miserable as he is, so stop with your concerns. Give him a chance, and I promise you that if he messes up, I will be the first one to murder him, followed by Marc and Phillipe."

That last part made me laugh. "You are such an idiot, Mauro! I see all he does to show me that he truly means it this time. I am afraid."

"That's understandable, my love, but don't give up. You have the chance to enjoy life with your true mate; don't waste it. Some of us have spent a lifetime searching for that."

I hugged Mauro and thanked him. I think I might do just that. It may be time to give Isaac a break.

We are all staying in an Airbnb-type apartment. We all pitched in and decided we needed some comfy accommodation beyond the bare minimum offered in the hostels. Today, everyone was doing their own thing around the city, and I stayed behind after telling Isaac I wanted to talk with him.

"What's up, my angel? Are you ok?"

"Yes, all good. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate everything you have done for me these past months."

"No need to thank me. I wish I could do more. I wish I had done all this when I was still your sunshine so you wouldn't have run away from me."

This time, he didn't hold back and brought me incredibly close to him, looking at my eyes with an intensity I had never seen in his blue eyes.

"Please let me kiss y..!"

Before he finished, I brought him down to my lips, and we kissed like our lives depended on that kiss.

"Angel, are you sure? Does this mean you want me back in your life?"

"My sunshine, you never left. Can I show you something?" when Isaac nods, I pull my shirt a bit up to show him a tattoo I got in Beacon Hills while he was in the hospital.

It's a sun because I knew he would be forever my sunshine, no matter the outcome. He gets closer and touches it, sending tingles all over my body; I can even feel the goosebumps forming in my arms. 

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Without saying anything, Isaac steps back and pulls up his shirt to show me an angel wings tattoo on his chest.

"I got it before leaving with Chris as a promise that I would find you, and if not, then you will always be in my heart. You don't know how much I have missed you!"

We hugged so tight, and none of us wanted to let go. When we separated, we both had tears in our eyes.

"You kept your promise; you found me!"

"You kept yours; you opened the door!"

"We need a new promise. To always work on each other so we can be our anchors, but to help the other when things are not going well!"

"I love that, and I adore you!"

"I love that, and I adore you!"

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The Wallflower and The Werewolf (Isaac Lahey Teen Wolf)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя