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In a burst of unyielding determination, All Might rushed toward All For One, seizing the villain's left arm before he could employ his Warping Quirk.

A swift, powerful punch followed, driving All For One's masked head into the unforgiving ground, shattering the facade that concealed his true identity.

As the dust settled and the echoes of the impactful blow reverberated through the battlefield, All Might, the Symbol of Peace, felt the familiar constraints of his time limit.

The mighty hero began to regress toward his weaker form, a transformation that spoke of the limitations imposed by the passage of time.

However, to All Might's surprise, All For One remained conscious, a testament to the resilience of the malevolent mastermind.

In a moment of mockery, All For One pointed out that he had heard those very words before – words spoken by the previous wielder of One For All: Nana Shimura.

The revelation hung in the air, echoing through the battlefield and unveiling a connection that transcended the present conflict.

Amidst the echoes of legacy and the taunts that resonated through the battlefield, All Might, fueled by a surge of anger, demanded that All For One refrain from mentioning his master's name.

The tension escalated as the confrontation took a personal turn, touching upon the painful history tied to Nana Shimura's demise.

In a burst of fury, All Might attacked, but All For One, ever the cunning strategist, responded with a calculated explosion that sent the Symbol of Peace hurtling backward.

In a timely intervention, Gran Torino, the seasoned hero, soared through the air, catching All Might in his arms. Amidst the chaos, the veteran hero urged All Might to maintain composure, drawing upon the lessons of the past.

Gran Torino, with the wisdom of experience, reminded his former student that this was the same method All For One used to escape in the past.

As they landed together, Gran Torino imparted valuable advice to All Might. He cautioned against engaging in verbal exchanges with their formidable adversary, emphasizing that All For One's fighting style and Quirks had evolved significantly.

The battlefield, now an arena of wisdom in conflict, set the stage for a battle that required not just strength but strategic acumen.

Gran Torino, in his role as mentor, encouraged All Might to be more clever, to transcend the patterns of the past, and to approach the confrontation with a strategic mindset.

As the battle raged on, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake, much of Kamino Ward lay in ruins. News reports echoed the catastrophe, attributing the devastation to the League of Villains' ringleader.

The unfolding chaos was broadcasted live, capturing the attention and anxiety of a city witnessing the clash between heroes and villains.

Against this backdrop of destruction, All For One, the puppet master orchestrating chaos, continued to taunt his nemesis. A dark rhetoric unfolded as he questioned the fairness of All For One crushing people's faith in Hero Society when it was Tomura, his protege, who had already chipped away at it.

All For One, driven by a hatred that surpassed even the animosity of his nemesis, voiced his disdain for All Might.

The echoes of resentment and vendetta resonated through the crumbling city, underscoring the personal stakes that defined this beatdown.

As the battle reached a critical juncture, All For One, deploying a combination of Springlike limbs and enhancer Quirks, prepared to unleash another devastating air cannon.

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