10 | Glue

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"How've you been managing?" Her deeply aritifical voice was eerie when she came closer to me. I tilted my head.
"Without me, of course. I know you've missed me-" She stopped as I grabbed her move wrist, and began digging my hands into her steel.
"I've never liked you, Cyn." I can see something in her eyes flare as she smiles evilly. I had to be honest, as she pushes me away with her abilities, and my back lands straight into a tree. I groan out in agony, feeling blood trickle down my neck. I look into her demonic eyes as she steps closer and closer, as if taunting me. She knows I'm immobile, yet she takes her time.
"You never liked me, Tessy."

"DONT CALL ME THAT!" I yell, standing up as I do so, unable to feel my movement. Knowing that I'm pretty numb, I take advantage of my lack of feeling and charge towards her, crashing my fist right into her chest. She flinches at most, but nothing seems to have changed. I slash the burning stick right into her screen, and she screeches, the fire quickly engulfs her. I stare, not smugly as I know deep down this isn't over. Uzi swings at me swiftly, and reachhes for my helmet. I gasp, falling to the ground. I stare at Doll who finally steps in, and uses her solver against Cyn. Cyn isn't moved, and as she pays attention to Doll I kick her away, luckily into the campfire.
Her terrible voice echoes around the whole area, and I just watch in shock. She melts away slowly, but a frightening creature launches towards us. Eldritch Uzi, whos screaming and shouting like an animals. Moving so quick it's hard to tell what she'll do next, she slaugthers Doll mercilessly. Thick oil splatters everywhere, even onto the fire which let's it grow higher. Burning Doll and Cyn, the heavy smoke starts getting to me, as I cough. "Tessa!" J yells, but now the attentions on her. Uzi darts to her, but I grab onto a thick log and using all my body force, I throw it right at her body.
On fire, she twitches like crazy, N is still standing frozen, which angers me. "N! Do something!" I scream, and he finally snaps back into reality. Now I hear a sinister voice coming from the ball of fire infront of me.
"Big brother.. N?"

She laughs maniacally, and starts to escape from the fire, now expanding at insane speed rates, and I just know I can't win this battle. I rush away, grabbing tightly onto J whilst trying hard not to cry. The insane amount of heat hasn't killed her, surprisingly. We run into the cold atmosphere, still in a foresty space. The light is thankfully brighter, letting me actually see what I'm supposed to look at. "Don't run away so quick!" She calls for me, holding tightly onto N. But now it's not simply Cyn, it's a disgusting, eldritch form of her. Huge body parts, with a centipede like body but wayy bigger. She could probably wrap around the whole area of these woods, but I don't linger to calculate. I dart away, before feeling something slide between my feet and grasp onto them tightly. J is free, and whilst I tug at her undeliberately she turns, to see I'm being taken away by Cyn. Out of the sheer terror my whole body's going through, I can't even scream. J does it for me, by holding tightly onto me aswell. I can feel my arms and feet ache, as if I'm going to be split in half. I hear a bloody slash sound, and I feel my legs be quickly freed from the evil touch of Cyn.
"Come on!" J shouts, tugging at me desperately. I feel so bitterly weak, my legs are wobbly yet tense, and I just start to sob.
"I can't do this."
"What?!" J tugs at me harder, trying hard not to cry herself. "You have to stand up. Please, Tessa!" Her voice isnt firm or tough, and she just keeps tugging at my suit. I say nothing, laying on my knees sniffling.
"No." I stammer, "Just go." I sigh, giving into my own defeat. All of the tension in my chest feels relieved as I say these words, and hear Cyn creep up towards us. "Go on." I push her away, and she starts clawing at my suit.
"Please!" She yanks, and by this time Cyn has already cowered over us. I stare up at her sinsiter smirk and horrid laugther as she reaches towards J instead, and I feel my body launch onto J, grasping her so tightly whilst we roll down a stupidly placed hill. 

We both scream, getting muddy and blades of grass stick onto us. I just stare at her as we crash, and I'm the only one feeling the full impact. I scream, still crying my eyes out like a child. "I can't do this J! Just, just let me die." I start whining fearfully until she slaps me.
"Stop acting like a little, brat!" She shrieks, and I finally snap back to reality. "We all need you, so instead of bitching around, face your fears, Tessa! GOD."
I stare at her blankly before grabbing a long, tentacle headed right towards us out of instinct. I twist it off and hear Cyn roar like a vicious lion. 
"Let's go."
"Really?" J's eyes tearly sparkle and she quickly grabs me, pouncing up to fly until something charges right into us, grabbing us by the throat. I kick my legs, twist to my side to notice it was Uzi, back in robot form.
"Hey! Uzi, it's been a while hasn't it." I smile nervously, as she stares blankly at us, before violently growling and foaming at the mouth, despite not having saliva. I just sigh. "This isn't you, you know?"

"Shut it, it's not gonna work! Besides, your the only one who can die this way!" She mutters, nudging me. I realise this and curse, before mumbling soemthing to myself.
"Uzi. N is really, really endangered, I know you care about him!" I try to convince her, without realising what the mention of N would do. She started swinging us like a carnival ride, screaming even louder and shaking us violently. Uzi yelled some inaudible things about N, so I thought that something must have been up.
"Okay, tough topic. But this still isn't you! Just, let us go. Cyn is lying to you, don't, don't give in." Silence filled the place and I sighed, ready to give up until we heard a voice. 

"Uzi?" It was fragile and soft, and made Uzi's grip get weaker, and we all looked up to see...

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